The frog on the horizon

You may feel comfortable where you are doing what you're doing. And yet, you may not realize the great opportunities that pass you by.
Consider the story of the frog who was born at the bottom of the well in a remote town. This was the world he knew. He was initially content to splash around in the water he had always known. After all, his family was there and he was having fun. He didn't mind so much the size of the little round well. He felt as though he had everything he needed. So why move or change?
But the day came when this little frog decided to look upward instead of simply straight ahead as he always had. He caught a glimpse of light that sparked his curiosity. He wondered what was up there. He felt the impulse to climb up the slippery wall of the well. Admittedly, it was tricky. The uneven bricks in were covered in wet moss. It would've been much easier for the frog to remain where he had been. He looked back yet, decided to keep going forward.
When he finally reached the opening at the top, he cautiously peered over the edge. What he discovered was astonishing. He caught a glimpse of a glassy pond. This body of water was much bigger than the water in the well. He hopped in that direction and stumbled upon soft lily pads. Never felt anything like that before! Marveled as he was by what he saw and touched, he decided to venture out a bit further. Much to his surprise, he discovered a lake. After swimming in the lake, he sensed he might go further still. When he did, he came across water as far as he could see. A wise turtle explained that the frog had arrived at the ocean. It was beyond belief. He decided he would swim until he reached the horizon. After a while, he got on the back of the turtle, and they continued swimming.
The story of the frog reminds us how we can limit our own thinking. It's one thing to be content with what we have where we are, but its another thing altogether to shy away from challenge or change because you prefer to stagnate or fear uncertainty. The only ways to evolve and grow is to take risks to do what you haven't tried before. Being adventurous doesn't necessarily mean you're restless or seek to avoid discomfort where you are. The idea of reaching out to discover your destiny is a means build self-confidence. Empower yourself and you'll create the life you want.
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