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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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As it should be

You may have this nagging feeling that something is missing in your life.  You may sense a lack of confidence, humour, motivation, love, attention, money, abundance or other things. Whatever you believe you need, you can identify and claim it.  It isn't beyond reach unless you decide it is.  The process is as it should be. Simply learn to shift perspectives. Focus on accepting everything about your life and expanding.  You'll attract new circumstances from which you may also grow.

It is useful to realize circumstances that evolve and unfold will become what you make of them.  Judgment begins in the mind.  You will only be in a position to decide anything needs to improve once you are aware of what has happened and why. You need to understand the reasons behind your decisions.  What or whom motivates you? Why do you permit yoruself to be driven as such?

As you begin to recognize that you create everything about your circumstances, you can also learn to change them.  This part of the process requires that you step away from what you think you know and assume you're mistaken.  You can learn to experience your life as it is very differently.

Why is it that your co-workers may complain about how much they're paid when you manage to invest and live well on the same amount? Why is it that people will make light of not having enough energy to accomplish what they desire, and you can teach yourself to make do with what energy you have and even develop your endurance?  Why is it that people you know will belittle others in their spare time and you choose to apply yourself differently in the time you're given?

Self-improvement implies a willingness to raise awareness about things you like or dislike about yourself, as well as a willingness to do something to change that.  It requires the desire to explore your feelings and the root causes of your behavior that may cause you some discomfort.  As you work to decipher your feelings, you can move to a new level and put your body in action. 

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