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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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5 Factors in a great decision

Under which conditions would you be sure you made a great decision? People will discuss this ad infinitem.  Did you base your predictions on trends? Do you ask experts all the right questions? What could you have done that you didn't do? Continual questioning may begin to drive you crazy.  Why not reflect on the points below to appease your conscience? Conclusive answers may be hard to come by, but reading your vibes will help.

1) You control processes.  Wisdom has taught you outcomes result from many variables over which you have little or no control.  To take time to reflect and base your choice on your goals is supposed to enable you to feel good about yourself.  If it doesn't do that, something's not right.  You may be startled at how much of your conclusions make perfect sense about your direction.

2) You don't second guess your decision.  The slow development of things since your key decision isn't necessarily a bad sign.  Patience is a virtue.  Do you sense reason to feel proud?  If you feel content about what you've done, you're unlikely to spark self-doubt and indecision.

3) You feel enough commitment.  Observing successful people has helped you realize you don't always have the luxury of 100% commitment before making a decision you feel good about.  Remind yourself that your commitment can grow stronger as the outcomes unfold. Are you able to detail the nature of your commitment and how you foresee it could grow?

4) You foresee increasing opportunities.  Life is full of surprises.  That is, we never know exactly where the next great opportunity will come from.  However, making certain decisions will enable us to feel as though we are on the road to expanding even more desirable choices. Could your dedication to your upcoming race potentially lead to doors opening?   

5) You grasp the implications of reality.  Optimism is only as useful as a person can ground it to real issues that require attention and consideration.  Can you afford to undertake a particular venture? Is timing appropriate given your recent health concerns? 

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