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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Strategies to get there your way

The notion of success takes shape in different pursuits during different periods of your life.  As you go along, you'll see yourself differently.  You can use the knowledge you gain to understand why you form particular judgements.  You may choose a course of action based on nothing more than intuition, but that may be your strongest feeling at that moment.  Each choice brings you closer to defining and experiencing new success.  You have to live with all the consequences.

1) Identify your desired outcome.  This idea may change over time, but if you have no direction to work toward, then you could easily be going around in circles or, exerting effort for nothing. The outcome you focus on needs to be measurable within an established timeframe.  Be willing to adapt after your deadline passes.

2) Research possible avenues.  Once you establish where you're headed, its useful to explore different routes to get there.  Who will you talk to? How will you earn money you need? What strategy will you use to approach prospective mentors?  Which suppliers or transport would help?  Examining your options can lead to trials and errors. You decide what works and what doesn't.

3)  Interact & brainstorm.  As you make your way through a jungle of options you isolate and other people also contribute to your reflection process, it will be easier to narrow choices for the action you will take.  Hard work and reflection will maximize your potential to progress.  Take advantage of your own process of elimination.

4) Commit & be consistent: When you devote yourself to a project, you're more likely to follow through.  Do what you feel is reasonable to increase your chances of success. At the same time, refrain from acting as though one idea of success has more significance than it really does.  If it doesn't work out as you envision, you will be better able to regroup your thoughts and refocus elsewhere.

5) Get "well-fed" and "exercised" emotionally: You'll experience rejection and praise as you share your ideas for achieving success.  Take it all in and choose to learn from it.  Don't be afraid to ask for love and reach out for encouragement from people willing to provide it.  This treatment will strengthen your inner resolve, help you rise above insecurities, doubt and fear.

6) Take responsibility for your action.  To focus on your own personal growth and achieving the kind of success that is right for you at this point, learn to be accountable for your insecurities and disappointments.  Then, you'll only have to answer to yourself.  If you take initiatives for somone else or, define your choices by people's desires for you, the success wouldn't really be yours.

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