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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Free yourself from disillusionment

In the case you didn't dream someone did you wrong in a past relationship, it may have actually happened.  You reinforced this by accepting the treatment, and you need to be guided back to a state of reality where you can learn to understand that nobody has the right to do you wrong.  To internalize this truth would prevent you from evolving from the role of 'the oppressed' to 'a role of an oppressor' or 'instigator,' who may feel existence is meant for willful force and injustice.

The abrupt release of mental anguish may enable your feelings of bitterness and disillusionment.  Thinking questions like, "Why?", "Why me?" and "Why then?" may not be readily answered inside.  You may not find empathy or sympathy in your entourage.  If your friends and family simply shrug their shoulders, then they may utter under their breath, "you made your bed, now you must lie in it."  They may focus on them, reminiscing of past relationships where they have also suffered, even going as far as to stress that they were much worse off than you.

A sense of disillusionment may shatter your perceived limits of suffering.  You may have finally admitted to yourself that you'd reached the limits for your suffering, and this prompted you to leave your partner, sever a friendship or, a business partnership. Then, you may have discovered that you could suffer more, in consequence of distancing yourself from the person.  You may ask yourself whether suffering really has no limits, unless you decide 'that enough is enough'.

Many people live a life where a sense of Earthly happiness may not seem to compensate for what was suffered.  You may envisage a future where you reunite with past lovers or friends or, find a relationship to supposedly make-up for what didn't work before.  These kinds of hopes may have given meaning to your recent suffering, sacrifices and losses.  Yet, you may not be mentally prepared for a lack of immediate, improved replacements for people and circumstances which you lost or cut out of your life.  Liberation begins inside yourself, like an enticing dream.  Learn to understand what you endured and why.  This will bring you freedom and wisdom. 

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