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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Don't tip the waiter

The "Don't Tip the Waiter" game requires players to construct a cardboard waiter, balance him on a precarious stand, and to take turns stacking cardboard plates of food on his serving platter. The first person to overload him and tip him over loses the game. Much like the game of life, success implies grasping when you have enough on your plate so not to topple over. Is your life that easy?

If you're like many people, you undertake more activities than you can realistically manage. You may sense overdoing it is a punishment or a requirement that is part of your learning process.  To know what's good for you means you take time to deal with the tasks you've set out for yourself. You need not do things all at once. Yet, if you do, you'll progress as you choose to learn from the results. For people who don't choose to learn lessons, they may repeat negative experiences. These people will invite similar challenges into their lives until they learn to manage them.

Remind yourself that success is attainable in different forms at different times in your life. If you desire a miracle, success even takes that form as you work toward it.  It's useful to consider various possibilities. No feeling of imbalance is beyond repair. Why wait for other people to discern what you can or can't do? To judge you from outside looking in doesn't mean they know you as well as you know yourself. No incorrect definition of success exists. The implications for us all are enormous.

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