Umbrella of life blown inside out

Umbrellas startle us when they're blown inside out. Human instinct is to struggle against the winds of change. Some people dream of controlling their lives like an umbrella, yet, deciding to live in a new place can become more or less than you expect. The acts of organizing and packing house certainly offer opportunities for learning about yourself. Did you ever realize that what you choose to take and what you choose to give away or part with reflect much about your mindset and level of personal growth? Ask yourself what you think you need now as compared to how you felt in your last place? You will begin to notice that certain things about you have changed. What do subtle nuances reveal about your character?
1) Your desire to move was triggered by some event. Perhaps you outgrew your old place or, something about the neighbourhood no longer suited you. Perhaps it was a job opportunity that caused you to consider re-locating? Maybe you'd like to have pets and where you live didn't allow them? If you were forced out, you may have been evicted or, as a renter, you may not have lived up to conditions of the lease. Heck, maybe the landlord decided to sell and the new owner had other plans for the place you used to call home. Whatever the case, you were ready for change. In your mind, this was a step to improve your circumstances. You chose to reframe your priorities. Consider implications for yourself and for people you know. Why is this good for you?
2) The timing and conditions of your move are perfect.You may be exhausted after the collecting boxes and wrapping breakables in newsprint. You may have lifted furniture or been fortunate to direct hired movers or kind-hearted friends who sacrificed afternoons or weekends. Your moving experience requires choices and decisions about what is best for you and where. If you don't ask for help in this process, does it mean you're a glutton for punishment, you're broke or, you have another plan in mind? Remind yourself that at some point in life before the move, you sensed that something was incomplete. Are you getting closer to a sense of completion? Your inner change isn't finished until you decide. How do your visible, external transitions mirror inner changes? What kinds of new views are you beginning to notice?
3)Change occurs in multiple directions. Scientists will tell you, "that which is built is constantly being destroyed; that which seems lost is being used to build the New." Change is frequent and natural. Many times we hear people say, 'I hate change.' We all have abilities to envision and imagine an appealing life. Not everyone has the courage to carve it out. As you learn to refine your mental tools, you'll not only look forward to change, but you'll realize you're consciously reshaping your reality to feel more comfortable with who you are. If you feel like an umbrella, you may wish to stay blown inside out because change enables you to benefit from the directions and timing of opportunities that present themselves.
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