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Living a bogus life?

Do you dream the sham was over? If you truly wish to evolve into a more authentic person, train yourself not to be bothered by how society reacts to your choices. This doesn't imply you should always rebel against rules society has established. Rather, it's up to you to explore and discover your true self. What would this mean? If the traits and skills you discover inside fit well into known social structures, that's fine. Yet, if what you learn about yourself doesn't seem compatible with what others feel you should do, you have no need to follow their goals.Do you ever question your own?

Your goal is ultimately to unveil your true character and to apply it to the best of your ability. In the minds of others, if you're unlike them, you may appear as a reactionary or non-conformist. It may seem you would disagree with other people just to disagree, even if what they said to you made sense. Sometimes people are right, for they can't always be wrong. The goal to disagree at all costs wouldn't propel you forward or help you better understand yourself.That would reinforce a bogus life.

If you see yourself as a non-conformist, you may also be a rebel. You may choose to live based on what you perceive works for you, regardless of what other people think. If you're a bit unconventional, and you evolve to follow your soul, you'll realize your goals, providing that you believe in them. You'll discover this simply requires time and concerted effort.

To become authentic then, you must stop living a bogus life. It's useful to learn to be natural, and not superficial or two-faced. If you don't express how you genuinely feel, people will not be able to trust or depend on you, and you'll feel uncomfortable in relationships without connection or depth. Do you realize the difference between when you're being true to yourself and when you're just pretending?

It's desirable to discern what feels right and what feels wrong at a given time, and to act on that. It's also desirable to re-connect with your inner self, especially if you feel alienated from what makes you who you are. Difficulties begin and end in you. Some people assume an insincere life would only lead to emptiness and unfulfillment. Why explore that hole if you could experience what it means to be real?

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