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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Phantom angels

Your mind may tell you things which you're unsure about.  Sometimes you feel as though events unfold to bring you closer to what you want.  Then, sometimes events unfold to prevent you from obtaining what you think you want.  Only with the passage of time and evolving maturity will you realize what you used to think you wanted wasn't really the best thing for you. 

Consider that right now, you may have a vision for the next chapter of your life.  This may include a certain kind of partner, a certain kind of home, a certain kind of job, a certain kind of entourage, a certain kind of religious or spiritual life (or lack of this), and you may be convinced that you know exactly what is best for you.  Yet, how do you really know? Who convinced you that these ideas in your mind are the most beneficial ones for your life? What or whom could cause you to change your views?

What if you met a stranger on public transit and struck up a conversation about your life? What if this individual drew your attention to options you hadn't thought of? Could a chat with a stranger be enough to cause you make life changes?

What if you suddenly discovered a flat tire which prevented you from attending what you thought would be a very important meeting? What if by taking a detour to a garage to change that tire, you discover that the dealership that recently sold you your car had swindled you by giving you faulty tires? Would you consider the mechanic be a guardian angel? A friend of mine thought so.  The mechanic advised the man to request completely new tires from the dealership. If that doesn't get the desired results, the mechanic offered to do it.   

Would a person who drew your attention to details you'd missed change your attitude enough to rethink your auto dealer? Rethink your future choice of car? Rethink your attitude about a particular lifestyle? Rethink the purpose of attending the meeting that Forces beyond you might have hinted you don't really wish to attend? Imagine the domino effect. Remind yourself that each person you meet has the potential to enable you to change your life for the better.

Consider to whom you spoke recently and whether they could be angels in disguise. 

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