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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Witness what you hope to see

Ever been in a bind and not known what to do? Ever call out for assistance  aloud to things beyond you for an answer?

Recently, after an appointment, I entered my friend's borrowed car only to discover the steering wheel was stuck and this little red hand symbol flashed on the dash-board with a black image of a car inside it. Try as I did,I was unable to jostle and loosen the steering wheel side-to-side. I verified that the car was indeed locked "in park" and observed the parking break was in place. I locked and unlocked the car, got out, locked and unlocked the car again, circled the vehicle on foot, checked interior buttons and levers yet, saw nothing unusual I thought would cause trouble.

As it happened, I didn't find the instruction manuel or anything to explain my dilemma. Try as I did, the keys wouldn't fit in the keyhole to start the engine. Using my mobile, I phoned a good friend whom I thought would understand the issue. No luck. Rather than call roadside assistance for things I assumed would be minor, I chose instead to look around. Initially, I didn't see anyone I could ask my car question. I continued to rattle my brain for answers and tried a few new things.

Then, suddenly, a middle-aged Asian couple walked up over the hill toward me. They strolled at a normal pace. I approached them and mentioned my apparent dilemma. I described what I had tried and inquired if the man had had any similar experiences. He replied thoughtfully, "yes" and asked, "do you trust me?" Looking into his sparkling eyes, I replied, "why, certainly." I instinctively handed him my keys. His wife smiled and stood quietly beside me. I watched the man sit in the car,jiggle the steering wheel differently than I had and perform a few maneuvers which enabled him to start my engine. I was pleased. "Thanks so much!" I exclaimed, relieved.

As the couple walked down the road, I sat in the car and turned to find my sunglasses. Although the road was straight and the sidewalk was visible, the older couple who had helped me seemed to vanish. When I looked up, they were nowhere to be seen. Both people evoked a very peaceful feeling inside me. As I pulled out of my parking space and onto the road, I realized that helpful people are all around us but we rarely slow down or look in ways to enable us to see them.

One theory says that angels are spiritual beings who never lived as mortals on Earth. Other ideas, however, believe that loved ones who have passed on can become our guardian angels. Remind yourself that if you learn to stop fretting about situations which aren't going your way, you will experience the presence and assistance of angels. You're only a step away from understanding this larger reality. Move beyond the five senses you typically use to grasp the world around you. Who is it that decides what's possible? You do. You decide what to do and believe.  Witness what you hope for.  It's not what you think you know, but what you do that matters.

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