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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Go back to where you've always been

Keep doing what's right even when what's wrong continues to happen to you.  You can be a victor and not a victim. What does this mean? You aren't helpless. You're in charge of yourself.  There is nobody and no situation that can prevent you from moving forward if you make that choice.  Examine what you think you know and believe. Revise it. 

1) What hurts you so much inside that it drives you to feel you must hurt others to heal it?  All attack and criticism can be seen as a kind of defense to hide things.  What might you fear?  The illusion of superiority may make you feel bigger and better.  Yet, as time passes, you simply act worse, care less and less and look smaller and less significant to others.

2) Trust that if a person isn't friendly to you, then others will help fulfill your destiny. The 'right people' will come into your life so long as you detach from people who are discouraging or superficial.  Meaningful links will emerge. If you feel good about some people, listen to your soul. 

3) When you give up self-defeating beliefs or disadvantageous situations, life will improve. If you wish to alter your methods of perception and understanding, step away from your fallacies.

Just as you already have the dreams and goals in your heart, all you have to do is develop faith that you will help make these happen.  Our destiny is connected to other people we meet, or have known. Reach out to them.  What do they tell you about social constructions and mores?  What do they tell you about the accuracy of your observations and conclusions? Tell it like it is. Go back to where you've always been, retrieve that mindset to get on with it!

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