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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Turn your life upside down

Some people engage in relationships because they sense that connecting with others as strangers, friends and lovers will provide a sense of completeness that they're missing. Some people sense a need to feel dependent on another person to feel fulfilled, to be able to say, "I am whole." But, wait a second.  What if your idea of needing others to satisfy a need is a self-created illusion?

When you decide you must discover something outside yourself, you're also assuming that you don't already have what you seek inside. Ask yourself if this assumption is not perhaps misplaced.  When you don't have something, what is it that causes you to decide you need it or must have it?

In terms of how you build relationships, consider whether you choose particular people to fill a perceived gap in yourself or, whether you choose people as a way to bring out the perceived talents and traits that you may already recognize within yourself.  Complimentary relationships are those which evolve with people as they evolve and recognize new things about themselves. 

Reflect on the reasons you develop or stay in relationships. Examine your emotions and how the people you surround yourself with influence your feelings and views of yourself.  If you desire for someone to make you happy or to fill some void in yourself, you don't yet realize the role of other people you meet is to empower and assist you to fill any voids you sense in yourself.   This revelation may turn your life upside down so you'll see more clearly. 

In a nutshell, all you receive in a relationship experience in the form of love, appreciation or other treatment, mirrors what you supply yourself.  As you realize you invite and receive a reflection of what you give, you will come to realize your sense of completion begins within you.  Someone else can help you recognize this, yet balance and perception start with yourself.

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