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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Drill a hole in your skull

What have you reinforced in your mind today? You probably didn't pick up a power drill and burrow a hole into your own skull.  You may find yourself increasingly open to learning and still, resist the idea of being taught. If you examine reasons behind your own feelings of resistance, you may come to realize it is not new information that makes you feel uncomfortable, but rather, how it is being shared with you and by whom.

Consider how you feel when someone tells you firmly what to do. The person may aim to show you what they feel is the best way, and assume you'll share this opinion and obediently do what is asked.  What kind of reaction do you get if you express a different opinion? Punishment or reprimand? Indifference? The reaction would depend on the role of the person teaching or imposing information and whether or not you respect that person. As a military officer, you would likely react differently than a school child to a parent or teacher.  Then again, maybe not? 

Consider what kind of connections you recognize among your experiences.  You may come to notice patterns in your behavior, how you choose to react or not.  Determine whether you notice any consistency in your daily behavior in relation to your deepest beliefs and principals.  Recognize whether you accept things you're told at face value, whether you're apt to question, or criticize others as a reflex.  Each reaction teaches you something about how you see yourself. 

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