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Specific leads to terrific

Specific goals require specific plans to get terrific results. You need to figure out what situation you desire to influence, how you will do it, and a measurable way to track your progress. You decide what is realistic and feasible not based on other people's standards, but on your own. One of the hardest things may be to define your own standards and ideas for wealth creation without distracting, outside influence that draws you away from your core reference points.

Consider that if your ultimate aim is to increase the balance in your bank account, you would benefit from defining the exact sum you envisage. This doesn't mean simply taking a random figure from the sky. Identifying a monetary amount itself doesn't typically come with attachment. To take it further, determine the desire or dream behind your quest for the money. The money is just a means to achieve your desire. Once you isolate a realistic timeline, you'll be in a better position to take steps to make this quantifiable thing happen. If you don't know what you want or why, it's unlikely you'll make the particular sum.  Most business wealth creation is measurable.

Consider that you aim to assist millions of people with a series of motivational books you write, yet, you're unable to predict who will publish them or the timeline. Would this imprecise factor detract from your ability to create wealth? If you're open to new ideas, you create wealth in the form of a learning process all along the way. Promoting book concepts allows you to reach your audience, empowering them to clarify priorities and enrich their lives. This would reveal how the market perceives your writing and its intangible value before books are published.  Progress along this timeline isn't measured by financial milestones.  Financial rewards would come later.

You may aspire to be worth a large sum of money.  You may set a goal of earning a million dollars in five years, and a $200,000/ year salary would achieve this. However, you may have no money left after five years. You may have devoted long hours to achieving what amounts to nothing.   In creating this idea of financial wealth, you have expended time without achieving a set goal. This reminds you the ultimate goal would be what you want to achieve, not the amount or when.  You may not control all the variables that affect when you achieve your wealth creation goals, but without setting a measurable plan, you may achieve a financial target but find that it was in vain.

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