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Self-defeating need for profit

In modern worlds, the nature of choices, food, shelter, lifestyle, quality of life, technology, medical drugs and treatment and also perceived basics and luxuries are accessible with money. How much we have determines how much we can spend. Unlimited credit, theft and strategic human connections aside, the quest for profit is key to obtaining these mentioned advantages.

What if all of a sudden, that profit was no longer considered necessary or even a desireable goal? What if survival was no longer dependent on money and economic systems as they exist today? This would undermine systems in place to promote competition and supposed excellence.  This would complicate hierarchies, promotions and systems that promote conflict or antagonism. This would render useless acts which trigger jealousy, greed, lust and other negative emotions.

What if all of a sudden, your situation was no longer yours alone. Your obstacles were shared. In such a case, seeking profit would make you worse off than before. You would likely be motivated differently. Perhaps even thoughts of profit would be punishable or punishment wouldn't exist? Economic systems as they stand and govern would crumble. Power dynamics of the 'have' and 'have not' countries would no longer shape global power or evolution. Society might evolve into chaos or find new reasons to dispute or better still, might coexist more peaceful than ever before.

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