You're never alone

Elizabeth Kubler Ross became a recognized psychiatrist and specialist on death and dying. She has published many books on these subjects in which she refers to her understanding of angels.
According to Ross, three reasons explain why no one dies alone. Aside from an absence of pain and the experience of physical wholeness in a simulated, perfect body, people who contacted her just before death, after near death experiences and from beyond, explain how they become aware that it is impossible to die alone.
Ross' research reveals terminally-ill patients slowly prepare themselves to die, such as children with cancer. Prior to death, they develop awareness that they have abilities to leave their physical bodies– they have what we call an 'out-of-body experience.' All of us apparently have these out of-body experiences during certain states of sleep, although very few of us are consciously aware of it. Ross explains how the people who do become aware of it gain potential to learn a lot about different states.
Dying children, who are much more tuned in, become much more spiritual than healthy children of the same age. They become aware of these short trips out of their bodies, which help them in transitioning and to become familiar with where they are in the process of passing on.
During those out-of-body trips, dying patients describe becoming aware of the presence of beings surrounding them who guide and help them. This is the first reason you cannot die alone. Young children often refer to them as "their playmates." The churches have called them guardian angels. Most researchers would call them "guides." It is not important what label we give them. It is important that we know that from the moment of birth, beginning with the taking of the first breath, until the moment when we make the transition and end this physical existence, we are in the presence of these guides or guardian angels. They will wait for us and help us in the transition from life to life after death.
The second reason Ross highlights why we cannot die alone is that we'll always be met by those who preceded us in death and whom we have loved. This could be a child we lost, perhaps decades earlier, or a grandmother, a father, a mother or another person who has been significant in our lives. Alison Dubois is another author who testifies to this from her own experience.
The third reason why we cannot die alone is that when we shed our physical bodies, even temporarily prior to death, we are in an existence where there is no time and no space. In this existence, we can be anywhere we choose to be at the speed of our thought. A young man who dies in Vietnam and thinks of his mother in Chicago will be in Chicago with the speed of his thought. If you die in the Rocky Mountains in an avalanche and your family lives in Virginia Beach, you will be in Virginia Beach at the speed of your thought. According to Kubler-Ross, guardian angels may teach us this ability, that is, if we don't naturally evolve to discover it for ourselves.
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