You are what you think

The more I feel good about who I am, where I am and what I'm doing, the more I attract people and conditions that raise me higher and higher and assist me to evolve in positive ways. Your job is to facilitate your own creative process. You must ask for what you want. The universe will react to your thoughts. Explain the answer you wish to receive. Accept that the universe will realign to make it happen. What will enable you to generate the feelings of what you wish to make happen? Life is self-correcting. What you visualize will then materialize. The universe will take your choices seriously. Each life is the product of our awareness and sense of truth.
What would you do right now to turn your life around? Make a list of things you wish to change. When you do this exercise, you start to feel grateful for all the things you feel good about. As soon as you feel differently about the things you already have, you will begin inviting more good things, people and opportunities into your life.
Do yourself a favor and dwell on the end result you envisage. Become aware of what you want and imagine the consequences of your action. What will you do? Make each thing you do as real as possible. Put yourself in a deeply feeling place. Feel utter happiness. Feel the excitement and exhilaration. Energy isn't exerted or expanded randomly. The 'how' to achieve will materialize. Give your undivided attention to those things you do want. People in life reflect aspects of yourself.
In the Book of Secrets, Deepak Chopra reminds us what we observe, imagine and think is activating images and events. You can stop being ruled by those things you don't want and redefine the evolution of your life. Attract people, events and lifestyle. Here are useful tips:
1) Focus on positive feelings and how you will meet your expectations
2) Tell yourself you're no longer offended by things, that each thing enriches you
3) What you think and feel has the power to shift your awareness
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