Protect your dream

If you aim to realize some project and gain a new sense of success, then you're more likely to experience it if you identify exactly what this project means to you. Qualify and quantify it as much as you can. It's funny how the older and supposedly more knowledgable people become, the more eager they can be to deny the impact and usefulness of intuition. Intuition questions your aims and views of success. Delight more in pondering possibility and expressing feelings to shape the final picture. Your choices and expected results are time dependent. Your success is likely relationship dependent as well. What do you do on a regular basis to nurture and protect your dreams? What have people around you done in attempt to discourage you or turn you off your dreams? How did you react? What became of your dream as the result?
I have found that the best way to protect my dreams is to focus on them and on ways that enable me to realize them. Protecting my dream means talking about it, writing about it, believing in it, learning about my reasons for aspiriing towards it and interatcing with other people who can help me to understand it.
In the case of my desire to experience the Trans Siberian Railway, I've been reading about all the stops in between, from Beijing through Mongolia and throughout rural and central Russia. I find clues about my rationale in what I read, in videos I've watched, in people who've been there to whom I speak, and in travel agents whom I contact about my various options.
The more I focus on believing my thoughts, the more I act, which leads to results, and strengthing in my belief that I'll go sooner rather than later. I develop patience at the same time as I plan my days and live my life to get closer to realizing this dream of a new kind of adventure. What I get out of the experience, and who I help and entertain as the result of sharing the stories I plan to write, will be comparable to at least as much energy, enthusiasm and learning that I put into trip preparation. I ask myself Why? When? How? By which means? Which lives can I enrich as I go?
"Wall street is the only place to which people will go in a rolls royce to seek advice from people who take the subway." -Warren Buffett
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