Urges to respond or not

It's often said that the greatest urge human beings have is actually to be recognized and appreciated. Do you feel these urges to receive this kind of compassion and attention? Consider whether your primary focus is in yourself or in other things. Do you tend to focus the subjects on you? It's possible to review and live up to your expectations. You have power to shape your life.
In my own life, I've met many people who have developed conditioned reactions to criticism. A popular reaction is the urge to respond back, often on the defensive. Sensitive people do this. Perhaps such reactions are familiar to you? Whether or not you realize it, you can take a kind approach which opposes this urge. Instead, why not suprise the person who criticizes you and agree with what they say. This would acknowledge how intelligent and perceptive this person is and recognize him or her as valuable. You could always expand by re-stating your point of view in a less-threatening way afterward. If you happen to disagree with the critic, you can still accept it and respect it for what it is. A good rule of thumb is
1) recognize the other person's feelings in a positive way
2) express how you have felt in the past and why
3) identify how the present can positively influence your future (value the critic)
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