Adjust your sails

If you know where you wish to go and what you aim to do, then whetever pace you choose to take actually helps you get there. Rather than focus on what other people do or don't do, say or don't say, why not focus on your own race? Ultimately, you only really compete against yourself.
Of course, if you put yourself on a boat with an inspiring mentor, or someone who strikes you like he knows what he's doing, that person will always sense just when it's time to adjust his sails. He can intuit the direction of the wind. He reminds you that you can always find your own wind. It can be helpful to re-evaluate your standards based on the bevhavior of people you admire. Yet, teach yourself not to judge yourself or others. Instead, orient your life based on how you're inspired.
Regardless of what anyone says, you are never a victim of circumstance. You have every reason to be excited about where you are, what you're doing, and how you are evolving. As you learn to get emotional about a dream, the power of emotionals goal will motivate you to commit. How long it takes you to reach your own goals is directly related to the clarity of your own vision. If you don't have a strong vision, you can always revise it and review your progress. Ask yourself an open-ended question and plan how your circumstances will unfold. Make it happen.
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