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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Ask & more than you realize will be given

Are you ready to expand your own consciousness?  If you're open to expanding your understanding of connections between mind, body and spirit, then I would invite you to discover Esther & Jerry Hicks.  They've published more than 700 books, audio CDs and seminar-related materials.  This work not only offers insight into spirit presence all around us, but it also offers their version of proof the soul continues in a new form after physical existence.  Isn't it time for you to heighten your sensitivities?

Now, Ask & It Is Given is all about learning how to manifest your true desires.  It teaches you to see why you are where you are, and how you think.  Some people will say that they have no idea what they really want.  Yet, this book reminds us how we have often conditioned ourselves to listen to outside influences. Its all a process.

Many people have forgotten how to listen to their inner voice and how to exert the power of intention. You can retrain your mind, based on advice from beings in the non-physical world. They offer more than 22 tips to rethink habits, ego, limits and resistance, based on Esther's channeling of 'Abraham.' Here is a book excerpt:

We are called Abraham, and we are speaking to you from the Non-Physical dimension. Of course, you must understand that you also have come forth from the Non-Physical dimension, so we are not so different from one another. Your physical world has come forth from the projection of the Non-Physical. In fact, you and your physical world are extensions of the Non-Physical Source Energy...

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