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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Radiate & stretch your mind to receive

Have you ever thought that if you desired something, you could make it happen? You may not realize the Universe can produce whatever you desire, so long as you don't undermine it with doubt.  No need to grasp complex math or formulas.  This is the magic of positive thinking.  It works whether or not you think you understand it.  You radiate your energy and stretch your mind to receive what will be coming:  

1) Build your experience and expand with every accomplishment.  That's right.  As you build your confidence, you widen a sense of possibility in different areas of your life.  You come to expect good things and they take shape to enrich you.  You get what you ask for, whether its a conscious or unconscious request.

2) Align yourself with what makes you feel good.  Summon the power of desire.  Your level of contentment or satisfaction reveal whether you're behaviours are on track.  Permit yourself to visualize and experience the benefits of those things you ask for.  Feel excitement, anticipation, joy, and bliss.  Its all shaping your future. 

3) Discover you can achieve any desire.  None of this, "but, I don't know..." or, "he won't let me or, she won't let me!"  Its impossible to receive what you desire and to resist at the same time.  As you take steps to recognize how you're blessed, to express gratitude, you uncover all the evidence in your favor.  Will you listen?

4) Take responsibility to experience your desire.  Decide you will live in a state of pure joy, that there is no dream you will not accomplish.  Remind yourself of your abilities and your potential.  Guide yourself to environments that enable you to focus on your truest inner power.  Remove all mental and emotional blocks to feeling health, well-being and harmony.  Eliminate all negative thoughts.  Connect the physical life force to the deepest desires of your soul.  Believe in yourself 150%.

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