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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Retrieve soul memory

One approach to goal-setting is to consider it a process that can enable you to remember what you forgot.  Whenever you learn something, you focus and other ideas fade into the background.  Some people believe each person is born with a soul that has a silent understanding of the world. Yet, most grow up to forget and evolve away from love, compassion and the original life views. 

You may describe the state of 'soul memory' as thinking differently during different life phases. We do so believing in our passing choices and perceived priorities.  Yet, lessons are always there for us to learn.  The question is, which ones do you notice?  How will you take steps to get something out of each one? Or, will you even bother?

1) Do you hold narrow views? People around you may say you appear rigid or dogmatic.  Are you the type who believes you're always right?  If you know anyone like this and you're on the receiving end, are you judgmental and close-minded about their behavior? Look in the mirror. Ask yourself how you feed off of each other's energy.  You may wish to rethink reactions.  How you interact has underlying goals. 

2) Does your mind control your feelings?  Certain people are so very 'results-oriented' that they miss the beauty and opportunities in front of them.  They may convince themselves work is more important than relationships or other life experiences.  If you know anyone like this, consider how your own choices may purposely go in the opposite direction or somewhere in between. Discern how you react or not.  Each of us has obvious and not-so-obvious reasons for our choices.

3) Are you even a tad bit insensitive?  To lack insight or experience may be interpreted by others as insensitivity or a lack of understanding.  Ignorance is not bad unless you lable it as such.  Whatever your belief system, you are now on a journey of self-discovery. Innate goals involve learning.  Your conscious and unconsscious choices determine the "how," "with whom" and "why."

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