Part the clouds & move ahead

Now here's a quirky thought: what if your perceived success today not only grows from what you choose to learn and apply from earlier experiences in this life. What if your stumbling blocks to greater fullfillment and happiness relate to a past life memory? Insight into past life regression has helped people break undesirable patterns of behavior. How might you empower yourself to move forward now? Would you be willing to take steps to learn, listen and read yourself differently?
Consider a man who was having trouble with his rebellious son. The boy was bullying other children at school and refused to obey authority. The man had a difficult time forcing his son to conform. He was at his wit's end. Yet, he also only saw in others what he desired to see. He was also blind to some of his own destructive patterns.
The day came when he had the urge to investigate his own view about one of his past lives. He assumed he had a certain role and status in history and he sought a specialist to have his view confirmed. To his surprise, he learned his assumption was slightly inaccurate. His attention was also drawn to some unresolved issues from that past life that were repeating in himself and his son in this one. He decide certain of his habits required attention. He realized he was repeating negative and hurtful patterns. His son was like a mirror who had been conditioned.
That glimpse of past life regression prompted this man to seek counselling and psychotherapy. Gaining insight into one of his past lives empowered him to acknowledge and address negative patterns within himself. By his own initiative, he took steps to unlearn and reteach himself new habits which transferred into his proferssional and family life. He redefined success from inside. He changed his career and found new ways to serve others. He parted his clouds and moved ahead.
This story teaches that each of us is in the process of learning soul lessons. We will only change ourselves and our circumstances when we're ready to progress. This will happen at our own pace. Every choice we make, every person we meet, will offer useful things if we decide to see. Remind yourself you experience everything for a reason. If you decide to access a past life, it makes sense to gain insight into how to heal a neative pattern in your current life. Such an experience doesn't have to hold you back. It can propel you forward. How will you see success next?
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