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Savor more than puppy love

Analysis of the week on dream submitted by Anonymous of Melbourne, Australia.

Dream: I found a mopsy-looking puppy in the park and felt drawn to him. He took to me and loved to lick my face. We went to a gas station. I bought a long cardboard tube. I opened one end and dumped out a small bottle and also a carton of white milk. The puppy pranced along with the unopened plastic milk bottle in its teeth. We arrived at the home of parents of friends. These people sat back in lazy-boy lounge chairs and sighed. They sat beside a wall of windows on an angle leaning in. The house was moving. They grumbled about my clean, white dog. Their bulldogs wore spiked collars and stampeded along the light carpet with muddy feet like a herd of elephants. I poured milk in a glass while my companions drank alcohol.

Predominant Emotions: loneliness, detachment, rejuvenation, empowerment

Interpretation: You may have been feeling lonely. If a puppy projects your mood, feeling lost won’t last. Whatever your struggles with work, relationships, or other issues, you don’t have to allow yourself to feel alienated by society. Amidst your fear and uncertainty, you can reconnect with the pure Source or sense reasons to feel loved and appreciated. Remind yourself ‘like attracts like.’ You must love yourself in order to attract love and experience gratitude. Conscience is the teacher. Love is always a lesson. It can be superficial and short-lived or, grow, intensify and deepen.

As you refuel with love, you feel reassured and renewed. Its no coincidence dogs symbolize ‘a best friend.’ Puppies are playful and being carefree comes from stepping outside of your conditioning. Meeting people in a timely way will lead to blossoming friendship or special friendships you have will grow stronger. Apparent synchronicity may also be Higher Forces’ way of acting anonymously. Your healing process will continue as you nurture enriching relationships your own way.

Of course, your entourage may be uncomfortable with your new choices or ongoing transition. Your own ego also shows aversion to your assertive decisions of what you think is best. You grow to transcend your previous limitations. Milk draws attention to maternal instincts, kindness, generosity and compassion. Due to the law of attraction, as you give freely, similar gestures will come back in unexpected ways.

A house reflects your soul and self-view. Room details reveal parts of your psyche. Since the house is shifting, it suggests you’re shaking your foundations and evolving your values and beliefs. Windows represent perspective and your outlook. It’s up to you to raise your awareness and trust in your intuition. You may be reflecting on a decision and seeking guidance. Contemplation is desirable, but only for so long.

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