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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Examine where you focus attention

As you go about your day-to-day activities and contemplate dreams, its useful to recognize where you focus your attention. You will come to realize you're attracted to certain people and environments, as well as selected dramas that may repeatedly rev you up. You may ask "how do I break those undesirable habits and patterns?"

Notice how often you get angry or frustrated and the nature of the triggers. Make an effort to become especially attuned to your thoughts and physical body. To what degree you listen and comprehend your judgment and discomfort offers clues to where and how you desire to improve. What do you notice? As you learn to focus on the tempo of your breathing, this also guides you to refocus your attention.

1) Open your senses. Truly observe and absorb your experiences. Its a question of learning to decipher the messages from your mental and physical body. What do things like yawning, kinks or physical stiffness reveal? When you catch a cold or the flu, how do you read your symptoms? Do you disregard various signs your body has been sending? How could you turn situations around to strengthen your immune system? How would you consciously choose to behave differently?

2) Rethink how you perceive. Whenever you identify problems, take a closer look. Every action and reaction has an underlying meaning you can uncover beneath the surface. Consider your thought process. Are you focused on limitations, obstacles or lack? Do you ever view yourself as a victim? Evolve to recognize your physiological reactions to people and conditions. When do you tense up? Are there instances when you repress feelings and bottle them up inside? Learn to let go and release them.

3) Reflect on the why. If you come to a point where you desire to improve some aspect of yourself or some situation, then you are unconsciously acknowledging a level of dissatisfaction. Examine the real reasons for your focus on goals or aspirations. To establish plans can be a source of motivation. Yet, goals can also mask insecurities and fear that help explain why you don't accept yourself as you are. You can change your mindset and attitude to create new kinds of happiness.

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