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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Discern the truth in your dreams

Everybody fears something in this world. The good news is that you can get a handle on it and reframe your life with renewed strength. All fear can be traced to the level of the unconscious mind and the guilt you create from making undesirable choices. Dreams help you gain insight into how and why you can improve yourself. What matters isn't what you learn, but what you actually do with what you learn.

Consider the idea that you're connected to everyone and everything. If your unconscious mind knows this, then why is it you choose to judge and condemn others while awake or asleep? Mistreating others simply means we think we deserve this kind of treatment ourselves. How we behave is like projecting a message about ourselves so that we can heighten our own awareness. What will you do about it?

You may be surprised to realize improving yourself requires learning to discern and break repeated cycles. The way you will experience and feel about yourself isn't determined by how other people perceive and think about you. So, seeking approval isn't the way to go. In actuality, the way you will experience life and feel about yourself is determined by how you choose to perceive and think about others. As you criticize or reject, you only really reject you. Emotions are clues to heal your soul.

Self-improvement then, is all about deciding you'll forgive yourself for reacting with anything other than forgiveness. The kind of truth you need to learn can be heard in your dreams, but what you need to do to evolve isn't a dream. Your sleeping and waking dreams take different forms, but the content and what they aim to teach is the same. Open your mind. Opportunities to grow lie outside your comfort zone.

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