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Success just beyond your scope

Success begins as a decision inside you. It may be time to re-evaluate the rules that guide your life. A sense of success grows from your awareness of inner energy and potential. Where you think you are or what you have done to reach this moment doesn't mean you have tapped into thoughts and feelings that truly sustain you. You become what you think about. How you live today results from your vision, your old desires. Do they work for you? How would you like to expand on the life you know?

Now, you only live in a physical body. You have a job and interact with people in different ways based on what you imagine you will do. You choose how you wish to see yourself and how you will experience your life. Stop there. You are the architect, the draftsperson and designer, the choreographer and scriptwriter. Ever heard the phrase, "all the word's a stage?" Well, you're up there in the light. It's your show. Success unfolds like a choose-your-own adventure. After all, "It's your life!

In a nutshell, everything about the life you lead, the roles you perform, reflect your unconscious view of success. If you sense failure, or mistakes, they may also represent levels of experience and success.  New kinds of success are always around the corner for you.  You build on what yuou think you know.  As you evolve in your skin, your choices of roles and initiatives change. Your sense of success can evolve with you if you make decisions that are compatible with your sense of self.

On another level, you can sense your mind dictates the vibrations which determine what your physical body does and will do. These vibrations influence what you choose to perceive, what you see and don't see.  This translates into your grasp of available opportunities, the kinds of people who enter your life and show you ideas and options beyond your original scope of success. Nothing is beyond your reach so long as you desire, ask, visualize and act.  As they say, "the world is your oyster!"

The more you realize that success is connected to your source of bliss, the more you will find you add value to this world. Imagine what you will do from this day forward! What will you do? How will you seize and make the most of each moment?

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Reader Comments (5)

True words Liara. The other piece is that our success is unique to us. Many times the models of success out there are not resonant with who we are, our values and what we contribute. We may wonder if we're successful until we personalize what success means to us & not borrow its definition from the world.
October 25, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPamir
Hi Pamir,
Your view adds a welcome dimension to this thread. As people learn more about self-acceptance, they realize their mission, their purpose if you will, their sense of success is precisely what they decide it will be. The idea of having free will allows each of us to shape our experiences and sense of success. Its empowering to learn to step back from examples of what others think success is in order to define ours.
October 25, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
Always good to define what success is for you before you set out on the path. Good to know what you are chasing and if you really want it
October 25, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Mills
Meaningful remarks Steve. Thanks for those. People also benefit from recognizing their view of success can evolve with them. What you work toward today may be different from future goals. Its a question of how well you know yourself and whether what your chasing makes sense as you go. Its okay to change your mind about views of success. Get attuned to how you feel and do things that enable you to feel good.
October 25, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
Evolving what success means as you evolve. That's another key part. It's not static.
October 26, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPamir

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