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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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5 Steps to experience more than one place at once

If you ever desired to be in two places at once, you may imagine possibilities of time travel or, at least hope to expand from simply having one foot in your bedroom and another in your bathroom. This post isn't suggesting you fragment your physical body, or spread cremated ashes in different countries. You may be unaware you could already be situated in multiple locations, and not just figuratively, between a rock and a hard place! I'm not implying that you must have a clone either. Consider these steps to identify and move beyond your pre-conditioned judgment:

1) Rethink the basis for your belief in physical boundaries. From childhood, you are taught through images, sounds and stories. Kids grow to intuit and model how other people react. Thus, as you approach contact with concrete or hard objects, you may expect solidity, tense up or even anticipate pain before impact. You unconsciously ground the present in your past when your view of the past actually conditions your mind to expect rather than to experience things for yourself.  What happens as you realize that you dreamed 'a sense of the physical' all up?

2) Seek beyond assumptions of physics. Scientists give power to laws they construct. They publish papers and people repeat and discuss scientific trends.  This reinforces previously held beliefs.  They will tell you particles can't behave a certain way because that's assumed. Yet, you can decide ideas won't limit your thinking. Notably, some lab experiments have shown one particle can be seen in two places at once and can move faster than the speed of light, as was once believed impossible.  Imagine leaving your physical body in bed and floating another part to school? 

3) Grasp the impact of perception. Getting accurate impressions relies on being attuned to your inner self. This means evolving to understand your frames of reference in time and space. Yet, many people choose to believe in laws that are created and imposed. Underneath it all, you aren't limited except for limits you place on yourself. You nurture faith in evidence you sense to be worthy, while your beliefs are grounded in how you see what projects through your personality outside yourself. Ask yourself how much of your beliefs about yourself, your function and potential, stem from only you.  What if you began to comprehend differently and really see?

4) Recognize how you distinguish mind from matter. From the moment you sense distinctions between physical body, mind and soul, you may wonder whether each separates or whether they're completely detachable with their own destinies. If consciousness is timeless itself, it is only an astute observer of what happens in time, in which it plays no part. This would mean it sees itself as separate from the physical body that takes action to make stuff happen.  Consciousness is entirely impersonal. Its up to you to discern your body-mind connections.

5) Explore lucid dreaming. This is the act of becoming aware while dreaming. You may float up from your physical body and look down to sense a level of separateness or temporary disconnect. Some people don't realize having a lucid dream is different from controlling a dream. Being able to freely control a dream does not directly follow becoming lucid. You may have a lucid dream without sensing you exert any control. Learning to control your dream is simply proceeding to the next level, by moving to exert your will upon your surroundings. People also evolve to be lucid during daydreams, which is also like being in more than one place at once.

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Reader Comments (3)


I'm really enjoying reading your site, and I thought you might be interested in this site about how to lucid dream. It's at:
October 23, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterHow to lucid dream
I love what you have done here. These 5 tips are great. We will all be served well to listen to your wisdom. We need to transcend our perceived limits.
October 24, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMark
Hi "How to Lucid Dream." Thanks for visiting. Many people can benefit from the theme of your blog. We'd welcome reflection about your experiences.

Mark, readers value your comments. It has been said freedom begins as you become aware you're the thinker that transcends your physical body. To associate this awareness with different kinds of intelligence implies you would sense different ways of thinking exist. In order to transform and move to higher levels of awareness, we must believe in ourselves, nurture will and evolve to visualize profound possibilities.
October 24, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert

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