Angel seeker

A science-based world may lead you to desire proof of the existence of guardian angels. For some people, proof would be a visual confirmation. Seeing is believing? What about those people who choose not to believe their eyes or ears? Other perception may also be convincing.
What if some of the key proof about guardian angels could be offered silently? Consider how you find the ability to cope with crises life throws you. What if the most meaningful gift from above is empowering? As guardian angels assist you to regain control, you learn to help yourself, to develop resilience, to calm unsettled stress, and learn to see your life circumstances differently.
What is it that may convince you that a particular mess will not go on forever? The more you trust in Forces beyond you, the more you'll discover you strengthen your self-acceptance and inner coping mechanisms. What do you trust to guide your decisions? Intuition?
No matter what your circumstances, you're aware of the external weather around you. Come rain, snow, sleet or hail, you manage to survive and get through it. Imagine this partly reflects how you feel inside or reflects what you aspire to experience. Although you may sense a few things about your life, you may not yet connect with what you're really thinking. Angels may help there. Open your mind. Become a soul seeker. Its never too late to start!