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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in mind training (1)


What is it about ' right place at the right time?"

How often have you heard you were not in the right place at the right time? Think you miss opportunities or assume you are going to be passed over? Ever feel like you just cannot get started or focused? What is it with that? Ever hear yourself saying, wrong place, wrong time?

At the core or in the soul, the essence of you adapts to anything and everything.  It always feels in the best position, connected to the landscape, to people and to everything in the world. You can evolve to view time as a concept that only holds the relevance you give it.

What would you say if you realized you can only ever be in the right place at the right time?The optimist , inventor and ingenuity awakens within. Opportunities emerge. Suddenly, the world is only full of possibilities. This is all about raising self-awareness. Until you allow yourself to feel opportunities, it is unlikely you will allow intuition to guide you so you seize them.

For example, take a man I watched create organic paper out of sheep manure. He collected clumps by hand from a mountainside. He put this in a bucket, took it a friend who put it through a process. They sterilized it, put it into a washing-like machine, transformed this into powdered fertilizer and then, organic paper. Its a new organic product in high demand. Yes, its possible!

The next time you spy or step into something smelly, rather than turn your nose up, why not imagine an invention or benefit that emerges out of the experience? Train your mind to visualize and feel you are precisely where you need to be. Grow though that experience. Imagine how you can serve others. You are given infinite options on this journey we call life.  Make the most of it!

"No need to overcome the ego for it is an illusion and does not exist.  Simply cease believing in it and all self-created illusions, cease paying attention. Discover the heart is always open. Its as simple as you decide." - LMCovert