Be realized

Every moment is a stage of a journey into a perpetual self-discovery. Notice whether you are true to what you feel in the heart. Notice how you view or filter the world through your beliefs and perceptions. This is what limits your awareness of reality. Its not all that is.
When the inner judge is active, you resist listening to the heart. Notice which emotions drive you. Notice whether you believe you must do something to become better than you are. This restless state of mind resists the obvious. The mind thinks everything you do is a necessary step toward achieving or earning self-acceptance. What if this is misguided?
As you accept who you are, whatever happens is the best case scenario. How does it feel to be authentic? Well, as you feel the way here, and all life choices are stepping stones. Emotion no longer controls you. Intuition is trusted inner guidance. Suddenly, balance, wholeness, vitality, clarity, peace and contentment are here. The seeker is the finder here and now.
If you ponder the path, yoga is empowering. It is more than physical stretching and poses. It is also a way of seeing the world through the clarity of a calm mind and lens of an open heart. Through regular practice, yoga expands awareness of physical and psychological states. This enables you to step back, observe your reactions and coping mechanisms. As yoga practice becomes effortless, second nature, infinite being is reached. You master self.
"Words fail to conveythe total value of yoga. It has to be experienced." -Prashant S. Iyengar
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure..." - Marianne Williamson