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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in living library (1)


You are only heart

As awakening and revelations about immortality continue, you begin to feel the origin of everything is the heart.  You are a living library.  The heart is not only the source of unconditional love, it is the centre of all knowing.  Even from the earliest point in human conception, everything physical you see as you emerges from the heart. 

As it all comes rushing back, you recall Spirit used to reside inside the heart before ego developed and humanity focused on living through the mind.  The tip of the tongue is the first thing to emerge from the heart. This is why when you forget things and actually say, "it's on the tip of the tongue.' This is so true. All of this is coming back.  Live in the heart.  A related vibration emerges from consciousness. We are actually flowing through every level of existence in the wink of an eye.