6 Things remote-viewing teaches
Remote-viewing or, remote-influencing, is a topic that sparks considerable discussion on this blog. Due to reader requests, another post is added. For background, you may wish to refer back to this article:
Remote-viewing is a capacity that can be awakened. It requires patience and ingenuity. Like every experience, remote-viewing is a teacher. Consider 6 things this process teaches;
1) Remote-viewing is a process of a very settled mind. The process of learning to quiet the mind through meditation and other mental exercises has many benefits unforeseen to conscious mind. Be open to what you cannot explain now. Recognize part of the mind wanders through the universe and selectively accesses information in the form of energy.
2) Evidence shows a part of the mind is omnipresent. As you discern a growing sixth sense and unexplainable insights, this teaches you that RV is unaffected by human-perceived limits, space and time. Part of you experiences everything everywhere, knows and observes all, even now.
3) RV reflects the conscious and subspace mind align. In other words, remote observation arises as you recall how to shift awareness in time-space continuums you already access. This is not science fiction. Your composite being is partly physical matter now, but invisible subspace matter exists too.
4) You rediscover hidden skills through choices. As you absorb information through your physical senses, you choose to shift away from intuition. RV systematizes the reading and accepting of intuition. Inner voices or energy vibrations guide you to align with what the physical, rational side of you denies. Move beyond fear and awaken RV skills.
5) This is not what you assume. RV is not an OBE, not an altered state of consciousness, not a figment of your creative imagination. Mastering this ability requires moving beyond conditioned behaviours of the conscious mind. In other words, it is necessary to rise about judgment, rationalization.
6) You are opening to new levels of intelligence. Soul-level intelligence reminds you it is possible to perceive and know things without direct physical contact, senses or logic. Certain levels of dialogue are strengthening soul-level communication. Your listening skills validitate non-physical experience.