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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in environment (6)


5 Ways to know what feels right

Life presents many situations.  The choices about what to do may seem endless.  People around you offer unsollicited advice and opinions.  Explore in depth five ways to know what feels right;

1) Be aware of the body - everything you detect and do not notice about the body is communicating with you. Be bold, daring.  Ask body parts directly what they wish you to know.

2) Be aware of your thoughts- thought forms come and go.  Dwelling on any mental image gives it life. Read your emotions. What feels right requires no thought. It guides impulsiveness.

3) Be aware of the nature of your relationships -everyone you meet is a pointer to what the heart knows.  Each person is synchronicity taking form, guiding you to see the best choice.

4) Be aware of your chosen environment(s) - every environment emits energy that resonates with your energy or not.  Be aware of attraction or repulsion and underlying reasons.

5) Be aware of the difference between conditioned beliefs & intuition -you are taught what is good, right or best for you. These beliefs differ from unexplainable reasons why you act.

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