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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Produce permanent harmony

Your own unique frequency generates continuously.  How often do you consciously allow it to fill your entire being? What is life like as you recognize what produces constant harmony?

As awareness grows, you notice the gentle strength of love is present.  You feel a connection transmitting effortlessly through and all around you.  What the mind tells you is life is only a tiny part of it.  The extent of your creation is inconceivable. All movement and none is in balance.  You have the ability to learn and change with the environment or in spite of it.

Stand back.  Feel what is flowing effortlessly.  Feel the nourishment in the air, the trees, the water, the Earth.  You do nothing and feel the true dimension of everything.  Notice it takes nothing to drive it.  Accessing more than one dimension comes naturally.  Be open to feel the response come back to you.  Notice how you feel energized as you directly transmit energy into more than one dimension.  Acceptance of harmony recognizes nothing exists in isolation.