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Interview with DeAnne Hampton

The stream of interviews continues to flow.  As regular readers of this blog know, I conducted many interviews from 2008-2016, which triggered amazing shifts in my consciousness. Giving birth to two children during this period led me to take a break from radio and interviewing. Inner shifts led to more external life changes. I return to interviewing to help others see the world with new eyes and clarify new life directions.

I originally connected with DeAnne Hampton as a listener and caller on some of her early radio shows.  At this stage, I was hosting, co-hosting Blog Talk Radio shows and contributing to other programs. I resonate with shifts in DeAnne's activities and follow with avid interest. Feeling intuitively drawn to reconnect with her on a new level, I am delighted to feel the way into our dialogue.  As Sting says, Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot  and my Soul guides me along the way.

Thanks DeAnne for consenting to this interview, for being open and receptive.  As not all our readers are familiar with you, it would be meaningful for you to begin by sharing a bit about yourself, your journey to awakening and current life focus.       

I am a global teacher of a New Paradigm of Consciousness and Energy called the New Human. I have hosted an international radio show for the last decade, sharing the frequencies and light-intel of a 5-D, New Earth experience.  A vibrational intuitive, I work intimately with an Advanced Light Race known as the Shining Ones who are here now to help usher humanity into a new, crystalline genetics - the shift from carbon based to crystalline DNA.

This is quite remarkable! For years, I have been intuitively drawing and painting geometric shapes and having multi-dimensional visions of carbon to crystalline structures.  Still, I cannot specify a point in time when urges to ground my visions in this way started. Some paintings are dated, others not.

Both the Shining Ones and myself share a deep relationship with the Earth Mother, Gaia and view this human/earth connection as key to the ascension process and evolution of our world.

In our conversations, and your endeavours, you share that spending time in forests grounds you.  Much like yourself, at different life stages, I am drawn to places where I feel immersed in natural energies. It feels to me as though intuitive decisions and related life changes are all helping us to decode why we exist and how purpose is evolving. In this light, please tell us about your books.

I am author of 5 books including The New Human and The Shining Ones.   

What prompted you to write them? Why invite people to experience rather than just read them?

Though the Shining Ones have been with me since birth, I was not aware who they were until 2000, when I let go of my traditional work as teacher and psychologist. As a young child, my family was troubled by the fact that I would talk to “ghost.” At that time, I thought the Shining Ones were special friends that helped me to not feel so alone and to adjust to a disposition that many regarded as “different.” Even as a child, my world revolved around my love of nature, spending nights in the woods with my  horse, rescuing and bringing home animals, delighting in my own elemental nature and connection with the elemental kingdoms. A dream actually called me from my childhood home to the mountains of NC - 4 years after that move, the same guidance came to let go of the “system” permanently, the known reality of my 3D identities and profession, to walk more closely to the edge between the veiled and unveiled realities.

Dreams are like a compass for those people who choose to open up and listen to the difference between heartfelt communication and mental self-talk. It is indeed amazing that what appears to be coincidence on the surface comes to be seen as synchronicities when we are ready to see it. 

Exactly. It was then that the Shining Ones began communicating directly with me - first through writing and then in personal encounters. I began to understand this passage as a time when I had gained enough of my light body capacity, grown my consciousness and energy enough for the Shining Ones to guide me more fully in the work I had come to the planet to do. A musician since childhood, I became certified in Sound Healing and DNA activation in 2001 - which was to be a pivotal piece in awakening me to my Cosmic connection with sound and the importance of sound in awakening both to our relationship with the Earth - and with the stars. I toured the globe with the Shining Ones for 4 years teaching sound healing and continued to write and anchor the wisdom of the Shining Ones, their purpose on the planet at this time and the personal relationship they have with every human on this planet.

As everything has perfect timing, its significant that you host journeys into the wilderness. How did your immersion in nature faciltate the writing of your books? 

In 2006, not long after the publication and interest in Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth, I was out in my beloved nature, talking with the Shining Ones and the Earth Mother… I acknowledged that all this focus on the New Earth was great… but what about the “new human” that would be living on the new earth … where was the guide book for them? The answer was forthcoming, everyday over the coming month as I was guided to sit by a river and “journal” the love of creation for this humanity. The result was The New Human, Understanding Our Humanity, Embracing our Divinity, published in 2008. This book would become the first of a trinity of books about the New Human/New Earth Ascension and return to Christed Beingness. The second is The Shining Ones, Ambassadors Of A New Age Of Light, published in 2012. The 3rd book, still in the birthing process, is about a new relationship between humanity and Earth and the SHIFT to a higher vibrating experience of Love, Peace and Unity Consciousness.

From your perception on your blog, in your books and radio shows, energies of this planet and beyond are shifting. Who are the teachers that guide your awakening?

Oh my, yes, how the earth is changing! People often ask me who my teachers have been, who have I read and followed, etc. And the only honest response is the Earth Mother, and the Shining Ones.

What does it mean for you to be true to yourself?

I shared that I left my profession, 10 years working with Inner City Kids as a teacher first, then Guidance Counselor, in 1999. This was an important initiation period in my life because I became a bridge for this forgotten population into an experience of school, society, white people and LIFE they had never been given a chance to experience.

Love this part of your story. Its uplifting to hear of your work with at-risk, inner city kids.  You acted to bridge energy between two opposing worlds within our socio-economic reality, and highlight themes of separation and exclusivity. Did your interest in music play a role in this process?

Yes. My background in music did come into it. I hold a Minor Degree in College and play 5 instruments.  I obtained a grant and taught keyboards to street kids, to show the improvement of classroom performance via the arts and creativity.

How ingenious! Reminds me of a bit of the film Take the Lead (2006) with Antonio Bandaras, where a teacher of inner city kids introduced them to dance and they turned their lives around.

During this time, I also travelled extensively to Third World Countries, further instilling into my awareness and personal passion the division that so governs our lives: the way we appropriate and delegate responsibility and make critical decisions based on a belief of the haves and have nots. 

I wrote my first book about these children, Inner City Innocence, A Teacher’s Journal Of Joy And Despair - not yet knowing that writing was to become a significant part of my role as teacher of a new thought paradigm. Leaving this role and identity that I loved was a bit disorienting to me initially - and I was quickly redirected to exploring deep nature, going into forests, climbing mountains and rock faces and forging streams and waterfalls as a new focus for the devotion I had for these disregarded and discarded kids.

I can so relate. While walking barefoot in the forest, I feel this impulse to tap my foot, listen in, ignore the external world, and let subtle sounds and energies in. You remind our readers  we all have the connect with so much more than the physical senses are revealing at the surface. I know you have a dog. How does her presence in your life shape your awakening?

I would spend hours a day - just me and my dog, Samadhi Blue ~ following the energy of the vibrational world, venturing into pristine wilderness with no trails, no busyness and distraction - just pure nature and lots of stillness. I had many areas I began to explore intimately - I learned about sacred geometry and lei lines, ancient sites, the preferences of faerie kingdoms, gnomes, elves, the elementals of the water, air, earth and fire… ALL from the nature itself. I am sure Gaia and the Shining Ones were part of this initiation - but this was the beginning embodiment and integration of the “new human” and our return home, to the Earth Mother.

Lots of our readers definitely connect and communicate with animals, even if its not obvious to them. They remind us with their expanded range of hearing and other senses that many more layers of reality exist. Tell us how your own expanding consciousness shapes your writing and teachings.

During this time, I created a website based on my second book, a 3 volume set entitled Interior Joy, Reflections On Life Through The Heart’s Wisdom. I was teaching about a new consciousness and relationship with existence even then, not really knowing what it was all evolving into yet.

It was only after almost 8 years of this solo devotion, immersing myself in the Mother’s wisdom - that I was given permission to open the gates separating veiled and unveiled reality to begin bringing humans in who were ready to deepen their spiritual awakening and rebirth. Suddenly, all the places I had been so devoted to in my personal awakening and activation were given names and vibrational descriptions that I added as a page to my website. I have never “advertised” this service - and yet people come. They come from near and far - they come from across the ocean and the other side of the world. They come via an energetic call to activated lightcodes and sequences in their personal journey that only the Earth Mother can initiate.

 What about spiritual tours? What prompted you to expand your life this way? 

I guide vortex experiences where I live in Asheville, North Carolina (USA), teaching about the ancient wisdom and mysteries of the vibrational world.I have been doing Vortex Tours for 8 years now… each year the numbers grow. I do not set up tours, I focus on the greater body of my service with many “new human” components and respond to requests for individual and group experiences. Year round they come - all ages and cultures. Once I led a group from Japan - none of whom spoke English. They came with an interpreter - some of the concepts that came through to share with them were not easily translated one language to another - and yet it was a profoundly beautiful experience - everyone felt and experienced the ONENESS of vibrational world - the Unity we share and the love this planet and Cosmos has for this humanity.

I also understand you are very enthusiastic about yoga. Tell us how this came to be. 

Last year, I became a Yoga Teacher ~ and when Asheville hosted a Yoga Festival with teachers from all over the country - I was asked to “teach” about the Earth, guiding yogis into deep nature experiences. It was the most popular experience of the entire festival. I see this opportunity as yet another bridge between the new human consciousness and energy - and populations that are seeking a new sustenance that is very much dependent on the vibrational world; new earth/new human remembrance.

From your unique position, please share a perspective of what is unfolding on our planet.  Many people are starting to see this is far more than a socio- economic upheaval, religious shift or public uprising. Maybe begin with changes in the Solar System and what it means for us.

Our planet is moving into a new position in the Solar System - this changes her relationship with the Sun, every star and planet - with our known universe and the multiverse at large. Conscious or still asleep, this humanity is being marinated in a new substance, new stardust, we are breathing an entirely difference atmosphere. This is affecting our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. With the help of new lightwaves, new activity from our Sun, and a “lightening” of the Earth’s planetary field, the veils that have accompanied humanity’s ignorance are thinning and there is a new level of communication happening between Cosmos, the Earth’s DNA and human DNA. Not every one will “get this”, this is a free will planet and all are moving at their own pace. But there is a great awakening happening, the humanity incarnate at this time have the opportunity to shift dimensional experiences while in the body - where as prior to this time in our evolution we would grow to a certain level of awakening and then leave our bodies - coming back in a karmic loop to pick up where we last left our learning and desire for mastery.

 So, the second coming has more than one meaning and is not purely religious. Love seeing life and books as a metaphor for different ways of seeing. If I understand you correctly, changes on the Earth reflect changes in the Solar System, as well as mental, physical, energetic and others.

In the shift from carbon based DNA to Crystalline DNA - we are shifting our relationship to energy and everything known and unknown around us. The energy on this planet, the known reality, social constructs, laws and agreements are bound by a clockwise movement of energy. Existence as we know it moves in a linear fashion, past, present, future; we send our energy out of our body (mostly unconscious) in response to societal, ancestral and archetypal energy patterns. Rarely are we truly present to the moment - which is always brand new and encoded with all the awareness and support we need to grow and thrive as divine human beings.

 Ah-ha! This is a view of time so relevant to this moment. Love how you point out clockwise and counter-clockwise movement of time relates to how we view ourselves and what is happening all around us. 

The ascension spiral and movement to a new timeline is a vertical dispensation - as are the teachings and remembrances of the “new human.” It is not difficult for humans to become aware of their energy and to shift it from a linear flow (clockwise spiral) to a vertical flow (counterclockwise spiral), but it does take discipline, devotion and desire. It is much easier to stay asleep and move with the “herd” of collective consciousness - but then you miss the incredible gift of knowing who you truly are and the greater purpose you came to fulfill at this time.

How do you break this down into bite-sized chunks for your audience and clients?

I have introduced and teach a new human “energy pie” that helps with the process of shifting individual relationship with energy. It is essential that an individual become aware of themselves as energy - vibrational beings - and begin to make professional, relationship, social, dietary, creative, spiritual, health, even financial, economic and geographical choices based on energy consciousness. This is the future for a new human/new earth experience. A first essential step that everyone can start with is spending devoted time in nature - out on the earth - in new ways, experiencing the earth consciously, with an open heart, with the intention of consciously remembering the Creator’s Love, through her. Mother Nature is always giving us clues as to where we should be focusing our energy, so tune in to her messages and see where you feel guided to go. I encourage people to be in nature with the awareness that everything is watching them, that the nature knows each human, not by their name, sexual orientation, educational degree or income level ~ nature knows each of us by our energy. When I come to the woods, any nature any where, I always feel as if I AM coming home, I feel seen and recognized and celebrated, I never feel more loved or more beautiful than when I am out on the earth, in her nature and with her kingdoms.

What you share feels like a shift from uncosncious living to allow and integrate a more conscious existence.   Tell us about your current radio program. You have been in different networks and changed for different reasons. What is your intention behind running your current regular radio show. Where and when can people tune in if they do not already?

New Human Webcast - I was guided strongly in the Fall of 2008, having just returned from a pivotal growth experience in Europe, to begin a live radio broadcast of this new consciousness and new energy. I was told that my voice carries a specific hertz frequency that was always going to be a part of bringing these ancient to future teachings to the world. Mind you, I have always been a bit self conscious of my voice, it is equally unique and recognizable. I remember when I was in the public school system and had to make announcements over the P.A - I would always cringe at the thought of my voice being amplified so. And now my higher realms teams were nudging me toward a radio show, it was a huge stretch for me and it did take me almost a year to find my “true voice” with these transmissions. I had a client at the time in Sweden that just so happened to be a sound technician and got me set up on blog talk radio in January of 2009. I did a weekly webcast with live call ins for a year in this venue.

 Gee, I recall connecting with you back then. Until now, I had no idea the extent of your radio program journey.

Then the CEO of World Puja at the time, Maureen Moss, received a copy of The New Human from one of her followers - and she contacted me, offering me a show on her network, based on her experience with this book. I had a weekly show on World Puja International for 5 years. My audience grew from 100 on BTR to 15,000 almost overnight - it was a very empowering time both for my voice and finding a rhythm in sharing this very new dispensation of energy, the frequencies of 5th World and a New Earth Consciousness.

Can understand the reach of your program. The emerging new Earth triggers many changes in each of us, that take shape in our life experience as upheavals, whether we consciously acknowledge it or not. It is a joy to feel what is growing and unfolding within is reflected without.

When World Puja dismantled at the end of 2015 - I both felt and was urged strongly that it was time to bring the teachings “home” - and began broadcasting out of my own website and home, in Asheville. I AM in my 10th year. The transmissions of this new consciousness, very relevant, in the moment sharing of everything from world events and weather phenomenon, to spiritual gateways and ascensions shifts related to new timelines and crystalline DNA - have gone from being 45 minutes in length to over 2 hours per webcast. Every show has a new meditation channeled from the vertical dispensation to compliment the shifts in our physical, emotional and mental bodies - each show is light encoded intel showing the higher realms energy and reflection of what is out-picturing in our personal lives and on the world stage. The intention and power of these webcasts is teaching through real life, everyday experiences of our world that everything is consciousness and everything is energy. When we understand ourselves as such - we are empowered to make different choices for different reasons that shift the relationships we have with ourselves, with others, with power itself and with the world around us.

 Can you comment on differnet levels of consciousness. What are they?

There are as many levels of consciousness on our planet as their are people. This New Human Paradigm and the wisdom of the Shining Ones is a remembrance encoded in the new human DNA. 5th World and the New Earth are here, now - they exist in certain frequencies and band widths of energy that every person has access to once they understand themselves as energy. Energy, the new energy that is here now - wants to live in us (humanity) differently. This next age of enlightenment (golden age) is very much about Co-Creation, Unity Consciousness, Oneness. We have the opportunity as we work with our own energy, raising personal light quotient - to co-create with higher realms of intelligences, wisdoms and technologies. Many of us are doing this now. WE are the leaders and pioneers of a new level of humanity that has never before been experienced - that of merging existence with higher dimensional life and expression - while still very much conscious of the identity we currently reside in. We are the rainbow bridge - the antahkarana to a new way of life on this planet.

The New Human transmissions, along with other facets of this teaching, is the remembrance, the tools, the shifts and embodiment of this New Earth/New Human Consciousness and Energy. My website and announcement of each new transmission - along with over 300 archived webcasts and meditations can be found @

 It appears you have a trip coming up where you are inviting people to join you for a unique experience. Please tell us about this.  Why choose Costa Rica and what can participants expect by joining this journey?

I have done many New Human retreats over the years in the Carolinas - and have been invited to come speak and teach both in the US and in Europe. But this Summer, for the first time, I am hosting a retreat away from home. I did not choose the location - it chose me. We had such a tremendous thrust into 2018 and so many trigger points and accelerations in January alone - all of which are being compelled by a new timeline trajectory and the energy of Embodiment. I had several experiences come to me in quick succession that all pointed toward Costa Rica - even a personal connection with beautiful, awake beings who own and rent out an Eco Village for retreat purposes. You could say a seed was laid at my feet, I followed it - then another appeared and another. Each one kept pointing toward the importance of An Embodiment Retreat for the Summer Solstice on these waters and in this incredibly diverse ecosystem. Costa Rica is Central America - it is a “bridge” linking North and South America. There is significance that the mantle of consciousness began moving from India to Peru around 2012, (the Shining Ones speak to this in The Shining Ones book) This movement correlates to the masculine energy of North America shifting to the feminine energy of South America. This shift is about BALANCE, HARMONY, anchoring a new center for the New Earth Grid. So, a new human tribe will be in Costa Rica, on this location for the Solar Event, Summer Solstice at the midpoint of this Embodiment year! EVERYTHING in this now is about the Mother - the Earth, our Sun. The atmosphere around us and the air we are breathing is changing to compliment and enrich what is happening in our cellular bodies.

 Tell us more about the retreat and what it offers participants.

This retreat is an opportunity for women to come together and be nourished and nurtured -everything that has evolved and flowered for this Embodiment experience is an opportunity to immerse oneself in the lifestyle of the new human. Healthy diet and nutritional counseling, daily yoga, meditation and soul movement guided by sound, deep immersion into what is known as one of the most beautiful national parks in the world, Manuel Antonio, with a naturalist guide. Lots of play and joy in the water, on the ocean - a Summer Solstice Ceremony in which each will play a role in anchoring this significant and powerful gateway. Along with teachings, nightly gatherings and higher mind streaming from the Shining Ones - this experience will be an opportunity to step into 5D and walk through what that entails while in a safe, loving, beautiful container of Gaia and vibrational world.

What matters most to you at this stage in your life and how do you nurture this?

What matters most to me at this stage in my life is the same as it has been for as long as I can remember - and that is, to serve. My 3D life has not been especially easy - I was kind of a displaced person early on and have never really fit into the rhythm and scheme of the material world. And yet, I have always felt incredibly loved and incredibly blessed. What drives me is the desire to both give back a small portion of that love - and yet, also to teach and share the remembrance of the greater truth of who we are. I have always had a close relationship with the Earth, a deep love for and connection with nature. A lot of what my work and opportunities opening up are presenting to me is the desire, almost a compelling force from an intelligence so much greater than me, to create and offer new ways for others to know that same abiding, unconditional love for and with our planet. It is and has always been, about the Earth Mother. She is and has always been, humanity’s destiny. We must come home to her - to truly know ourselves and our greater purpose here. So, I have been bridging outward, creating courses that take people into deep mystery, pristine forest with no trails, helping the many to remember that in trusting her, in exploring her mysteries, we deepen our trust in ourselves - we grow deeper in our awareness of Self.

So, as always - my heart and desire is to keep evolving with this work - expanding and growing with it as it radiates its energy out on an evolving world.

How do you experience energetic shifts in perception, what happens to your body? How would your interactions with the Shining ones? 

The Shining Ones are an Advanced Light Race from the Galactic Center - they are here as part of humanity’s shift from carbon based to crystalline DNA. They are Extraterrestrial - have worked with the Earth and humanity before but not for eons of time and through many ages because we (the energy) has been too dense - the consciousness of separation and fear too all pervading. Being from the Galactic Center - they have an all inclusive genetic structure - if you can imagine for a moment an ascending spiral in the cosmos… within that spiral are your Guides, the Ascended Masters, Angels and Arch Angels, the Pleiadians, Andromedans, Sirians, Arcturians, Star Nations, Planetary Christ… all known and distinguishable by energy signatures. The Galactic Center is at the top of that spiral - not in a hierarchal way so much as in scope and frequency. The Shining Ones do not belong to me - they are here for and to work with/assist everyone. They are an incredibly benevolent and pure energy. Sometimes, for example, if a person is comfortable with the Pleiadians, the Shining Ones may initially present to that person with a Pleiadian energy - so they are Shapeshifters among other advanced and useful skills. The way they appear to me may be very different than the way they appear to another - because they come in and communicate on a cellular level - energetically - intuitively and through the heart. When people ask me how they can know if they are making contact with the Shining Ones - my answer is as simple as it is life altering. The Shining Ones transmit and reside the highest, most profound frequency of love. The kind of love that makes your whole body surrender while the mind goes completely still and the heart fills to overflowing. It is quite humbling in nature. They are actually, in the highest expressions - mirrors for our Christed Nature. You will not have to ask when you have made contact - you will know deep in your Soul. The experience in itself, is transformational. And that is just where the work begins really. When they come in - your life will shift quickly and dramatically. The activation and impact of the new DNA sets you on a trajectory with the truest reason you came to the earth at this time.

 Who are they really and why do they communicate through you? 

Why me? as a voice for the Shining Ones? I have asked myself this question many times over my life and spiritual journey. The answer that resonates most strongly is that I AM made up of certain genetic components that complement who they are - my vessel, because of this genetic sequence, is tuned to the “channel” closest to their frequency. I Am aware, through a series of profound yet not always easy life experiences - that I AM a hybrid  - I incarnated with a great deal of my star seed genetics intact. While my biological mother is human - my “father” is a High Musician, greatly revered and known throughout the Universe. This “plan” was “conceived” by all the Souls involved, including my human father - before I was born into this body and experience. Though agreed upon by all Souls involved - this scenario was fraught with challenge and difficulties for me, especially as a child. But it also makes perfect sense. I am aware that this consideration is way outside the comfort zone of a majority of the conscious thinking race - on some level, myself included. And yet, this awareness has liberated me from lower vibrating experiences and storylines I have been through on my path of becoming and compliments the evolutionary arc humanity is experiencing at this time. I am also quite certain there are many humans on the planet currently with similar origins, whether or not that has become conscious awareness.

 Many people are drawn to crystals for healing and other purposes.  How does this relate to what is happening or how we are consciously returning to human nature?

The New Human is a return to our crystalline nature - it is a return to our star seed origins with sight, abilities and gifts that we cannot imagine or access with the carbon based DNA. I have had themes of being a bridge my whole life - I was the only child in a family of 4 bussed to an inner city school. I traveled and did mission work as a teacher in my 20’s to many foreign countries, merging for weeks and months at a time with cultures very different from my own. My 3D profession was exclusively working with inner city children - going into the homes and merging deeply with the lives of humans very different from my all american, blue-eyed blond upbringing. I know absolutely that the Shining Ones, until I “came of age” (in my 40’s) were a bridge for me, staying close and watching out over my becoming and this very difficult task of merging a higher frequency and level of awareness - of seeing - into very human conditions and circumstances.

And yet now - NOW we get to see the beauty and miracle of this “plan.” Because humanity was always evolving toward this moment where we would be engaged in changing genetics on a very profound and unprecedented level. These changes are happening from the inside out - and what that ultimately means is that we are charged with the responsibility of changing our circumstances - of our personal and greater world - based on the inner experience of new bodies, new hearts and new minds. One of the first and strongest gifts of this new human DNA is the ability to see energy ~ everything, as energy! There is the illusion of the outer world that is based on emotion and perception and beliefs that more often than not do not even belong to us… and then there is the energy of that same circumstance or scenario - which tells a completely different story. One that empowers us to serve and be present and reside over existence from Mastery versus inherited subjugation.

Would you say you are more clairvoyant, audicient, kinesthetic or something else? 

I experience energetic shifts primarily through my feeling nature - through the Divine Feminine instincts and intuition. I can “read” a situation energetically - I see what is in the energy field of an individual or circumstance - I also can read and feel the energy signature of a room that I walk into. These are gifts we all have and all are quickly returning to because of the return of the Divine Feminine Masters - key to our own awakening and the actualization of the New Earth Grid.

 What are the implications for our carbon-based  physical bodies?

We cannot continue to live in these bodies in the same way - for they are changing - and dramatically. Feeling back over the last decade alone, I can sense and follow energetically this arc of refinement in my relationship with my body and with my chakras. Physically, our bodies are like new hybrid children that need a very different sustenance, very pure, conscious choices of nurturing based on frequency and vibration. This refinement is ongoing - what I could eat and what was satisfactory last year or even last month may change dramatically this month. And it is not just adjustment to our diet - but to how we spend our time and what we invest our energy in. I can feel my light body field expanding - needing more and more space to BE over the years. Time in nature, with the Mother, feet on the Earth is the single greatest thing you can do support these shifts, body, mind and spirit. The Trinity Stargate that opened with the August Eclipse of 2017 - and every trigger and gateway since then ( all of which we follow and work with on the New Human Transmissions) have been about a shift from the low to the high heart; the New Earth is birthing through the human Solar Plexus/Low Heart (new relationship to power) and the High Heart is opening through the Thymus, shifting our relationship with the anatomical and etheric heart. For the last 3 months I have experienced radical energy and shifts in my heart - along with the need for deep, long sleep - often and frequently sleeping 10 hours a night yet waking rested and “light”. It is worth noting that we are currently experiencing changes in our structure that can only be integrated during sleep.

So many people are at a crossroads.  They realize certain ways of living, working and existing are no longer working or no longer feel right.  What advice do you have for people to get in touch with themselves, how they tick, their reason for being here? 

First and foremost - to be really honest in acknowledging what is no longer working or serving your highest good. In our human nature - we are creatures of habit and cling to the known - we have become accustomed to living with attachment. We have become conditioned to a familiar relationship to time - one in which there is a beginning, a middle and an end - a past, a present and a future. As the nature of time on our planet changes, time is actually stacked - everything known and unknown happening simultaneously - it is no longer an ideal but imperative that we understand the present moment as the only true reality. When we attach to a past experience or fear a future scenario - we are no longer in the moment or our bodies. We have gone missing to ourselves.

What about people who struggle to understand or explain what is happening in their own minds?

I would remind people to forego trying to figure out anything - in fact - the more we acknowledge and understand that we know very little about the true nature of existence - the easier it will be to STOP THINKING - and begin feeling and trusting what you feel more. We can never go wrong in trusting our feeling nature - moving with and trusting the heart. Thinking, the mind and emotion hook you into the linear energy flow - the tick tock world of time. The heart is a vertical dispensation - an intelligence that goes in and up, creating an endless channel of light between earth, human and cosmos. It really is that simple - yet not always easy because every human is encoded with the awareness that when you trust and follow your heart - life will change and often in dramatic and breathtaking measure. The next time you go to your place of work - tune in - take a breath and notice - do you feel excited, do you feel JOY - is there purpose there that contributes to the greater good of the human family and earth? If you answer yes, check off that box and go down each category of your reality - intuiting and feeling the same. If any area in your life makes you contract your energy - tense up, shut down, if you feel you cannot express your truth or see and be seen through the lens of love and enlightenment - that is guidance - that is your compass. Time to change your course. It is not possible to know your truest purpose and reason for being here until you know your Self - until YOU become your most precious and protected possession. You have no greater responsibility as a spiritual, divine being than taking care of your Self - because only then can you step into your true identity and power and serve others unconditionally.

Additional supports for increasing your light and expanding your consciousness while shifting to a vertical energy dispensation:

-Meditation -Creativity -Movement - expressing this new energy through your body -Changes in Diet -Cleansing body and environment -Creating Alter Space -Changing Routine -Getting rid of attachments -Eliminating Shoulds and Obligations (these serve no one) -Finding and Following your joy -Learn something NEW Anything you wish to leave our readers with here? Allow Gratitude and Devotion as a daily compass


These “new human” templates are in the book, The New Human - and expounded upon in greater detail.

What does the concept of time mean to you? What does mastering time mean for you in realtion to shifts you experience in this material world? How do you see the evolution or future of this planet and world emerging? 

5D is Timelessness. It is possible to have this experience - NOW. This remembrance/understanding and repatterining actually begins with letting go of fear and attachments. We cannot experience timelessness while obligated to a job based solely on survival rather than the bliss of service through gifts (Dharma). It has everything to do with energy and moving without thought. My life today is pretty free from the construct of time. I wake up when my body wants and go to sleep when I am tired. I have a very full waking life with work that I love, teaching, guiding vortex hikes, I do yoga daily and take my dogs out for a hike or trail run… I meditate and and pay bills and cook meals and shop ~ I am very active socially and environmentally. The difference is - NONE of these activities is on a schedule. Once I wake with the rhythm of my body - I know all of these activities need to and will happen within the course of my waking hours - but the order becomes a variable based on the needs of my body, my energy, my spirit … its about following energy - moving with the rhythm of the vibrational day and vibrational world.

One of the most surprising and illuminating aspects of this new relationship with time - is that you get so much more done and have so much more energy. You sleep deeper and longer - your mind and well-being are more free from societal expectations, judgements and grooves. The energy on the planet in the known reality is very rigid, the conditioning of time (clockwise energy) tethers humans to a herd mentality that allows for very little original thought, imagination, creativity and true discover. The ascension spiral is a counter clockwise movement moving with a new consciousness, a more feminine, intuitive, instinct driven relationship with existence, with our true nature and the world around us. There is a bifurcation of timelines on our planet underway where we have the opportunity - divine choice of shifting to a new timeline, where we are no longer influenced by the old masculine paradigm and denser realities and may move into higher dimensional spaces complementing the changes in our physical bodies, the shift to heart based decision making and unity consciousness. This requires a huge adjustment for the “habit” of being human - being consciousness and living outside the construct of time requires a lot more energy, presence, awareness and desire for true freedom. But the reward is lives that truly belong to you, that do not answer to or are influenced by the same laws and rules of the 3D construct. In timelessness, in 5D  - you become invisible to the consciousness and negative impact of the tick tock world along with all of its individual and collective control measures.

 What advice would you like people to take away from this interview? What is it important to know, recognize or integrate/ internalize right now?

There is an incredible amount of Love here now - Divine, Cosmic Mother, New Feminine energies available to reshape the fabric of existence as we know it on Earth. At the beginning of this Embodiment Year, 2018 - I began having these experiences in meditation and even in altered states in the woods, where the “mother” would take me back into certain key moments in my life and show me my life, my choices, my heart…. through her eyes, through the unconditional love and compassion of “Mother.”

Just recently in the Ancient Mysteries course I am guiding in Asheville - the group was taken into a deep chamber in the middle of a creek (crystalline energy) and once inside, found ourselves surrounded by quartz walls. From inside this quartz chamber - we were able to see a crevice in the rock formation overhead - and were guided strongly to wiggle and push our way up and through that crevice - essentially being birthed through the mother onto another level (dimension) of the earth above. It was very powerful, very holy - we all felt forever changed and without doubt this new energy, Divine Mother frequency had initiated the whole experience.

Synchronicity being what it is, as I finish compiling this interview to upload it and make it public, I am on the way out to host a a rainforest hike in the Dandenong Ranges where I live. Like yourself, I am also drawn to take people to reconnect with forest energies for this, from my experience is the key to empoering people to get in touch with and listen to themselves.

Everything that is out picturing in our world, the escalation of violence and weather phenomenon and abuse of power - is in response to the expansion and presence of this Holy, Divine Love. If you find that hard to believe in anyway - you should tune into the New Human Transmissions.   All of these small and large events are expressed through a new lens and higher consciousness that imparts great peace about where we are as a species and evolving world.

 What can people do to feel closer to Earth, to be more aware of what is unfolding beyond condioning?

Invite her in, shower yourself with love and appreciation and awe everyday - you are a wonder, your physical expression is a miracle. Be mindful every moment of what you are giving your energy to; energy = energy. So focus on what you want to grow more of, to expand and bring to life. The Mother frequency IS Creativity - we are the Creators of a new world and we have everything we need to be successful in our dream of a new existence of Love, Unity and Peace. It is possible through development of ourselves, to pass into a completely different world altogether - and that world is filled with light and promise. It is here now, in the consciousness and energy of your heart; your new genetic structure (light body merkabah) and the earth’s, are One.

What is the simplest thing we can do to get in touch with changes bigger than ourselves? 

LET GO - just let it all go - the striving, the never enough, not enough, not worthy, missed the boat fears and concerns. Be willing to allow BIG CHANGE - change you could not imagine or even create on your own, to come in and take root, flowering as a new expression of the highest love.

We are the vessels of this new consciousness - solar activity - new light levels emitting from the Galactic Center that are allowing this species to embody more light frequency than ever before - we are the way showers of the Golden Age.  A great gift and support to keep your energy and mind clear is this simple 2 minute practice - try it once a day for 7 days and observe how it makes you feel:

Please share anything else you would like to add

Sit or lie comfortably with full attention on the present moment - take 10 to 15 deep breaths and with each exhale say I AM PEACE, I AM LOVE. I AM.

Infinite appreciation DeAnne. You are valued more than you realize.  Encourage readers to learn more about DeAnne and her endeavours. Check out links in this article and Google her too.