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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in communication (8)


Get back on track

Notice when you give your undivided attention to something.  Notice how often this happens.  You likely notice your attention is dissipated on many things. What message are you sending to yourself when multi-tasking does not bring balance, when you cannot recall who said what?

When the mind is focused on one thing, and you are physically engaged in something else, this brings trouble. Notice how it feels to be talking to someone who is not focused on your words. Many people get emotional without clarity of thought.  People can also think things without being aware of how they feel. Mental imbalance hinders the ability to fully engage and focus.

Distractions may seem like a normal part of life. Its easy to see disconnected thoughts and feelings in others. Yet, is it as easy to see in yourself? It may be time for more than one person to get back on track. How you communicate with others and how they interact with you are pointing to what you can do to strengthen communication and relationships.  Notice what you get absorbed in, and how your behaviours and the behaviours of others are actually helping you.


Translate internal messages

It is up to you whether you choose to open up and expand awareness. Those who do begin to sense layers of soul communication within through impulse, synchronicity and emotion.  Thoughts, feelings and beliefs are constantly emitted into your energy field and increasing self-awareness sharpens your discernment of what matters.  What are you noticing? How do you consider new ways of translating internal messages?


8 Random facts about me

Why offer random facts about myself? I was kindly tagged by Tania on her website Whole Living Today.  The concept intrigued me.  Here are the first 8 things that jump to mind:

1.) As a teen, I spent a summer circus trapeze training in a high altitude
2.) While hitching abroad, I was once picked up by a camel rider
3.) Travel links me with 5 friends in 5 countries who share my birthday
4.) I am a budding neologist who used to collect epitaphs
5.) After an accident, I was without a nose for 7 hours
6.) Visited sacred places on 7 continents 
7.) One of my childhood dreams was to live in a lighthouse that flew
8.) An early nickname was 'Snapdragon'

In return, I tag these people and invite them to respond (as well as anyone else who has things to say). I invite visitors here to visit these websites:

1) Mark on The Naked Truth
2) Charles at On the Path
3) Simon on Secret of Life
4) Andrea  on Empowered Soul
5) Titania on Finding Life's Enchantments

For luck!
8.) Jenny on Heal Pain Naturally

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