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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in challenge (7)


The Pay-it forward challenge

In a world where you have free will, you have the power to change the world, one person at a time. Pay it forward is a concept that means you do something good for someone else without expecting a reward. Some people would say you do something in such a way as to inspire someone to do a good deed.  This is the chance to do something big. No limits.

Take it further. The system invites you to do something meaningful to help three people. Consider this a challenge, an invitation to help others. Whether or not you see the results of some of your deeds, share what you know of at least one process. Take this opportunity to share related experience.  As Gandi said, be the change you wish to see in the world;


4 Ways to reactivate your true self

As children grow up, they are often conditioned to stop listening to their bodies and to move away from what strengthens their heart and soul. It happens in ways you do not initially notice. Some people hesitate to believe or, never connect how their feelings influence their life choices.

At some point, part of you is aware you wish to reactivate your true self. What does this require? Does part of you say to stop something you have outgrown or start fresh? Maybe a job beckons or new training. Maybe relationships call for attention. You may shirk responsibility for financial, biological, spiritual or other reasons. Part of you realizes what you put off. As you raise awareness, details of the what and why resurface;

1) Absorb the truth in your words. You may not be used to speaking with confidence and dignity you would like to feel.  As you listen closer to your word choices, what do they tell you about youf? Are you happy where you are? If not, what next? Words are powerful indicators about balance and direction.

2) Note what is human and universal. Those situations that cause you to feel awkward, embarassed or ashamed are frequently what connects you to everyone. Each experience invites you to find humor, lightness and  delight in apparent discomfort. What bothers you is the key to releasing tension.

3) Refuse to hide. The nature of what you hide from others and repress from conscious awareness is a gauge for feelings that merit attention.  For some people, it is unacknowledged grief.  For others, it is suppressed passion or creative freedom. The decision to open up to self is a step toward being more honest with others. Revisit what you deem appropriate now.

4) Reframe challenges. What you assume will be painful, risky, tiring or not worth it, could all be your own misplaced assumptions.  How do you validate or legitimize your experience? Some people complain about adveristy to get attention, and this makes their effort worthwhile.  Other people are content in the silence of their own inner knowing that certain choices feel right.  Deeper meaning always exists.

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