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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Why interpret 2012 transpersonally?

As you reach a mental place where you experience conscious expansion, you realize how you perceive and believe is not always helping you.  You give shape and form to solutions.

To interpret 2012 perception transpersonally is a strategy that offers numerous advantages.  Things are not as you imagine. Consider these ideas and how you resonate or not;

1) What is happening within your psyche is also reflected in the external world. This is a mutually-reinforcing, feedback loop.

2) Reducing perception of change to personal experience denies an impersonal process where everyone is involved.

3) Stepping outside linear time reveals the fluidity and impermanence of now and how the next age is already here. 

4) To seek wholeness or soul-alignment is both personal and universal. Certain things are transcended in higher synthesis.

5) How you dream is open-ended, malleable, synchronistic and multi-dimensional. What happens next is yet unscripted.