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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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5 Tips to shake you up 

Perhaps you have heard people set the intention to find a parking spot nearby their destination. What about yourself? Do you always get that space, even visualize it before it comes into sight? Do you regularly set intentions, and experience their power in action in real time?  If you do, are you satisfied with how things play out and how you feel?  If not, what are you waiting for?

1. Clarify what you want

Maybe you have a general idea of the partner you seek or begin to add detail for the ideal vision of where you wish to live, work or play? Only taking a moment to ponder general ideas is not enough energy to consciouslt shape your life.   Ever wonder why things seem to pass you by? What if you could add more detail to your vision, even polish it so you feel repeatedly energized and exhilarated about unfolding events?  What if writing things down makes a big difference?

2. Give yourself a deadline

This could be a goal of meeting or surpassing a monthly quota, structuring life changes or preparations based on an upcoming event such as a birth, wedding, divorce, retirement, or family move.  Whatever that point in time, working backwards from here can enable you to feel more relaxed and better organized for what is coming. The point is to get your butt in gear to act.

3. Adapt or extend the deadline as needed

Maybe you feel under the weather, unforseen obstacles crop up or you just do not feel motivated to carry out some of your original plans. Whatever the reason for diverging, the point is to be kind, gentle and understanding with yourself. The point of shaking yourself up can be to loosen up your own reigns.  If you sail, you know you have to adapt to changing weather. If you engage in interactive sport, you know the value of changing direction.

4. Rediscover the art of surrender

As much as you might like to think you can control everything, being shaken up is also about accepting what it is to set an intention and let go of attachment to the timing of results. Nurturing a vision and repeatedly focusing attention on it is also part of the art of not controlling what/when a vision comes through. What if you get a cream opal car instead of the white one? Can you accept the result the universe brings and know its the best option?

5. Keep your eyes on the prize

Come what may, you may not always get what you think you want but you always get what you need. Blessings are found in whatever arises. You may not get the meal you envisioned eating at a restaurant because its sold out.  Yet, as the result, you may be pleasantly surprised to discover what turns out to be perfect for your palette. Keeping an open mind changes everything.

Your intellect may be confused by your emotions never lie to you. -Roger Ebert

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Reader Comments (2)

In extending one's intention and vision for life, one can begin at the end and see and know how everything that one has been attracted to fits together seamlessly into a final destiny. From the end one can backtrack towards the present imagining different chapters or tiers or dimensions or platforms of experience leading and culminating in a final outcome. Knowing and resonating with every level of creation, one simply then surrenders to the flow or channel of intent where everything that enters one's scope is therefore inherently a continuous doorway on the path of one's destiny.
September 9, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Hi Bern, surrendering to the flow initially feels natural until one is distracted away from it and creates other versions of normal. Being human is an evolutionary process to rediscovering, discerning and feeling the real (and distinguishing it from the unreal).
September 10, 2018 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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