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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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*Mastering Time

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365 Paths to Love

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Be Your Dream

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Transform Your Life

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Daily inspirational quotes about life from the book Transform your life - 730 Inspirations


Cosmic Synchronicity

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This book helps your recognise challenges and overcome fear


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145 inspirational quotes to motivate your to be honset with yourself and solve your problems.




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New website Covert Life Coach Australia active

Excited to share the launch of a new Life Coach Australia website for Liara Covert

This platform clarifies services offered, offers a blog as well a modern on-line bookings system.  It is linked to this web blog. Welcome all impressions and comments.  

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Reader Comments (1)

Hello Dr. Liara Covert,

Whether this blog will not be updated any longer?

I came back here after nearly 4 years leaving the blogging world.
Your blog's contents is good and inspiring.
I tried to find out where the last that I had read it by searching my own name through the "Search" menu, and surprise that it was in 2010.

Btw, why you must force readers to sign in to Facebook in comments section in your new website?
August 21, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterTikno

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