7 revelations for job changers

More and more people are deciding to change jobs or careers up to five times before their mid-thirties. Traditional retirement from one career is often a stepping stone to a new role. You might be considering change, even if you are unaware of what is going on in you or where you are headed. Ponder 7 revelations to enrich your journey:
1) It's you that wants to make a change, but you also stand in your own way
2) Traditional anaylsis keeps you going in circles
3) The conventional job market, boards & lists may not suit your needs
4) Consulting a career change coach brings support & forward momentum
5) Interacting with different people & exploring new environments is key
6) Stepping outside the box requires shifts in perception & priorities
7) The urge to change relates to growing awareness of core values & why you are here beyond the obvious
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