5 Ways to be more receptive to life

In a rapidly changing environment, there are things you can do to be more receptive to whatever unfolds in every area of your life. Its easy. Be open to these five points:
1) Trust in your capacity to adapt effectively to unknown
2) Shift attention from the horizontal flow of recycled information (that has you think you are separate) to be aware of a vertical flow of new wisdoms / insights (feelings of oneness with all)
3) Be willing to change your relationship with reality
4) Notice everything is a teacher (i.e., Nature, garden, children, strangers, all events). As awareness grows, student -teacher roles are increasingly inter-changeable, and engage unseen energies more consciously to expand new ways of seeing.
5) Recognize letting go of old beliefs allows wider evolution, DNA repatterning, the chance for each person to be more transparent; uninhibited and free to interact directly with the Light of a New Consciousness. (i.e. be your own authority)
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