3 Ways to get to the Root

Get to the root of the matter. All approaches have merit. Reflect on these three ways:
1) Engage in analysis. Some people want to know where to start. They want tools to deal with a situation, to find the way beyond the conditioning that trips them up. They wish to manage ego. If tools become the focus, using them can obscure or hide what these people really want.
2) Assume the answer relates to missing knowledge. Some people seek outside what can take the insecurity of not knowing (self-doubt) away. Everything you think you know or not arises as conditioning. When you do not take this to heart, you allow ego and fear control you. Be aware of a shift in feeling, the spontaneous recognition of the emptiness that is. When the mystery of being remembers itself, its not about finding something you do not have or do not know, but accepting what you do not initially allow yourself to be. Fear is a passing thought.
3) Take a direct Path. Stay with something very simple. The direct path does not tell you what to do with what is not working. It is for anyone who is completely ready. Know that the mind is conditioned to steer you away from this very perspective. Who is it that suffers? Who has the pattern? What owns the mind? This is going to the deeper root. Notice whether you are willing to get to the root of suffering, to be at the centre. Its very different than what you are used to dealing with. Every moment is an all or nothing opportunity. From the moment you accept you do not know anything, you accept you cannot know who or what you are. When you are no longer searching you know yourself by being. The question 'Who am I?' is not meant to get an answer but to dissolve the questioner. In truth, there is no questioner, only moving thought.
"The eye with which I see God is the same eye with which God sees me." - Meister Eckhart

Reader Comments (1)
If fear is a passing thought.... one can stop the motion of the thought by facing the fear and having the notion crash into or wash over one's self. Fears are like dogs that pull their owners that have them on their leashes. Let go of the leash and the fear returns home where the supposed owner no longer has to feed it. Or pull the leash inward till one swallows the dog.
When knowledge is replaced by knowing, one returns to the solution from which everything arises. When the need to know is replaced by accepting any given moment as being complete and perfect, then the ego vanishes to reveal the emptiness and the fullness that everything and nothing is.
hi from the top of the tree of life :)