4 Ways to Reframe the impossible

You may encounter people who expect situations to go wrong, who assume no solution exists, who predict their meeting or interview or exam did not go as well as they had hoped. What if every person you encounter invites you to reframe the impossible? Consider 5 ways:
1) Be a more conscious creator. Recognize you create every situation you encounter and every roadblock. From this point of view, you cannot be a victim of self-created circumstances.
2) Know that you only stretch and grow through facing challenges. Notice when all is going well, you are not character-building and developing inner strength or widening insight.
3) See through the illusion of disappointment. Many people assume the worst so that if they get bad news, they will be prepared and stoic. See fear as an illusion that points to courage.
4) Surrender to the unknown. When you really want something, understand that the mind does not know how everything can happen and is already happening in your favour.
5) Expect the best result. Watch how life unfolds as you choose to have confidence in what the universe has in store. Allow feeling happy where you are. Know good things are coming.
Reader Comments (4)
1. The deer have eaten almost all my flowers on one bed they can walk right up to. But, the pots of flowers they cannot reach are flourishing -- litterally! Next year I will create a different flower reality.
2. All is always going well, and we may not realize it.
3. Things always happen for a reason, disappointment is self-created. When something does not seem to go as planned, realize it means better things are in store.
4. Wanting something is the first step to making it happen. You're already on your way!
5. Wonderful! There really is a plan, and good things are always happening.