Timing speaks

Perfect timing is all there is. Everything flows like a river running downstream unless the mind gets in the way to stifle momentum. Allow yourself to feel the synchrony among all your life choices. Watch what happens as you only see connections, only allow yourself to think and feel that you are doing your best. You no longer focus attention or thought energy anywhere else.
Notice how you allow time to speak to you. Notice that when you are grateful for the time you give yourself, and how you use time, that life gives you more reasons to feel gratitude. As you detach from distractions, watch body, mind and perceived conditions. You no longer think or experience things you do not like. You are always in the right place, right time.
As you respect and value yourself, its amazing how you recognize timing is always perfect. As you choose to see value in everyone, that is what you look for and see, and this is what they show you back. Allow yourself to see something lovable in every other person.
Drop everything. Be in harmony. See through a lens of equality. Suddenly time is silent. As you recall you are an unlimited being, its no longer relevant to focus on past or future. From the moment you have no point of reference in time, you recognize what lives eternally.
"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." -Albert Einstein
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