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Insight of the Moment

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Dreams flow freely

In light of today's dream workshop, I invite readers to share a dream or topics of curiousity about dreams.  The opportunity to learn lessons, strengthen conscious memory, accelerate awakening, get to know yourself on deeper levels and to transcend physical boundariess are common incentives to sharpen your recall.  What prompts you to dream now?

"Those who have compared our life to a dream were right.... We sleeping wake, and waking sleep." -Michel de Montaigne

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Reader Comments (3)

Loosely Speaking, It has been said that dreams can be sub-catagorized into three different types...

Dreams where spirit has not been made conscious of when it first came on the scene: In other words, these types of dreams concern issues that need resolving so that such energies can fold back into the Now. With more of the past rectified through processing past or underworld/psyche content, one then is more available to dream consciously in any given moment whether awake in the day or awake while sleeping.

Dreams of the future or dreams of that which one is moving towards or as manifesting as outer reality in life: These dreams then are then an invitation of what is to come. By accepting such a vibe or resonance in a dream of potential, one then holds onto this energetic pattern which then attracts the manifestation in stages through time till the future becomes the Now.

Dreams that are Lucid in Nature then are Occurring in this Moment. They seem very real and more substantial because one is available to receive invited spirit information as it arises from the dream state. It therefore, isn't back-logged energy. Its Here Right Now and Seams more Real because it isn't tape delayed and is streaming live.

In some ways, this then is analogous to A Christmas Carol where Scrooge has to rectify buried feelings from the past, and where his present vibe is creating an undesirable future. The Ghost of Christmas Present is then the Gift he embodies at the end of the story. This then is representative of Christmas Spirit or Christ Consciousness.
February 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBernie
Bernie, we always appreciate your shared insights. Infinite entry points exist for dreams and those that feel most comfortable at a given moment relate to stages of awareness and acceptance of a dreamer. During the workshop, participants actually explored 5 basic entry points (or ways to examine) dreams. We also shared tips for remembering dreams more sonsistently and discussed approaches to deepen clarity and sharpen detail. You might say we always make the most of the time we create. Upcoming workshop details are updated here:
February 23, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I can't wait to nod off tonight to awaken. And I think it's about dreamtime now. It's always dream time if we let it be.

February 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster

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