Ask not want not

Ask not, want not, dos this concept resonate with you? When a person asks a question, do you sense they feel a lack or pursuit of something they already have? Consider you can never lose something you never had. What is innate can never be lost. Although you may temporarily forget true nature, it never abandons you. Every moment, your journey is what you choose to make of it. Just be.
Reader Comments (8)
However .. we have inside us the knowledge base to move forward and we should not want .. we need to clarify things and help ourselves – not rely on others. As you say .. it is our journey and we must just be and live in the now, and in the knowledge that we hold the answers in our hands.
Thanks – have a good week - Hilary
The concept of ask not, want not, feels like we get to a place where we no longer question and see it is what it is. The to be and let be and just be :)
I also feel that we can sometimes ask questions out of excitement and joy to share, learn and interact. I experience "us" all as "one", so in essence even when we turn to another with our questions we are still asking ourselves. I find that beautiful because we are not separate beings. I experience us and all IT as one vast infinite organism that is whatever we believe it to be and can change at any given moment to reflect our awareness, our focus, our desire, and so much more.
And yes, "true nature" is always with us's who we ARE.
Wishing you a joyful spring and summer with many flowers, green delights, running creeks and blue skies. :)
Asking questions is imperative to reach the truth; however we must know to whom we ask questions and bear in mind the timing of the act.
Wanting is the root of suffering, according to Buddhism. However, wanting is part of our mental is what drives us, what sets us in motion. The challenge lies in not allowing our wants to take over reason (the lack of equilibrium between the wants and what we really need is what brings suffering, not the wanting per se).