Revelations on Free Energy, 2012 & Crop Formation

There is always more going on than you are conditioned to believe. Imagine if units of perceived time are broken down to lose impact and control over you and cycles do not mean what people tell you. One perspective is crop circle formations offer self-referential coordinates for DNA changes and clues about unfolding consciousness and spritiual awakening. Microwave energy is connected. Other theories exist too. Watch the two video clips and continue the series if the subject resonates. What does the message feel like to you?
Reader Comments (10)
they feel to me like earth is showing what earth has within.
I recommend a video by David Icke called sound vibration creates form-
and another video Cosmic Rays can and do alter DNA (Human DNA change in 2012 explained). NASA scientists confirm this has been happening for many years. Astrophysicists are collaborating with geneticists. Anthropologists and other interdisciplinary researchers also comment on mutations that occur in our own human DNA, that alter our perception of reality. This is the tip of the iceberg that helps to explain evolutionary leaps in Science and Art.
Read research by Russian scientist Dr Nikolai Kozyrev. Among other things, he discovered colonies of bacteria grow in spiralling form and became convinced that an invisible, non-electromagnetic energy wave was fuelling this development. Through experimentation, he deduced the waves of energy are consciousness and that consciousness is also Science. Read also The Divine Cosmos by Davd Wilcock which ties many other related scientific experiments.
Questions worth asking yourself include;
do you have reasons to fear physical or other transformation?
what are the implications of changing your fundamental beliefs?
what if the resources you desire exist in places you have not yet looked?
Those energy beings who connect with etheric levels of energy, sense this level contains twelve strands of DNA. Sometimes this is taken very literally. This is not meant to suggest two strands of physical DNA will necessarily manifest twleve in everyone at once. In the third dimensional energy, the physical body would not handle this. Two DNA strands are felt to be evolving into three strands which translate into moving into the fourth dimensional energy of evolution. In the fifth dimension, different energy levels and DNA strands are activated. Everyone can take steps to consciously activate their DNA in accordance with earth's ascending energies. Whether or not you take steps, DNA is evolving. Your energy is limitless when understood. Anyone who believes in limits manifests them into being. Inner feelings guide you to what is right. In the truest reality, nothing is new. All new creations come into your scope of awareness from what always exists. Not everyone chooses the path of conscious awakening.
What I need to see is data from specimens in the crop circles, and a DNA analysis of the plant samples.
I have no fears of the future. I am looking forward to whatever happens. I am a realist. There is too much I cannot change anyhow.
best wishes
One DNA experiment of potential interest to you is by Russian scientist Dr. Peter Gariaev. He discovered that DNA absorbs light photons in its surrounding area, and causes the photons to spiral through the molecule itself. This spiraling effect will continue in the same spot for up to 30 days after the DNA is physically removed from that spot. This effect is called the 'DNA Phantom'. Gariaev also shined a gentle laser beam through a developing salamander embryo and redirected it into a developing frog embryo. This caused the frog embryo's DNA to completely re-code itself with the instructions to build a healthy adult salamander, even though the two embryos were in hermetically sealed containers and only the light was allowed to pass through.
Eugene Mallove is a cutting-edge pioneer from MIT known for work in free energy. You may choose to read about his research and its implications. A lot of this is so new that people are not yet aware it exists or know where to find it. Many scientists concurr that when indoctrination determines what you believe exists or where truth is found, then you may miss something.
Columbus realised the use of the winds from his time in Ghana .. and 'thought' that the winds would take him to the Spice Islands more quickly if he sailed west apparently against the wind. However he found America and then found the trade winds to bring him back to Europe .. the same eventually in the pacific.
Then each layer of wind also circles the earth .. and there are short term effects - hurricanes, tornadoes etc .. & that's why Australia has its armour cap, but China is lush with loess soil, which supported the growth of its population etc .. and then on top of that southern oscillation of winds occurs ..
So when he says that there probably is inter-planetary climatic change - I can believe that would be possible / likely .. and that therefore the cosmos also has cyclical controls - very interesting in the light of the tv show last night.
Small world ..and Ilearnt that the 21 Dec 2012 date is the effective end of the Mayan calendar .. now that I didn't know - and wasn't sure what 2012 was .. still don't know - but none of us do.
When I have a chance ... not for a while .. I'll be interested to know more .. my brother gave me a book on crop circles and I have to say I haven't read it even though they interest me somewhat - but that was before where I am now.
So .. I haven't answered the post I expect .. but I've added something perhaps ... - bye Hilary
"In the truest reality, nothing is new. All new creations come into your scope of awareness from what always exists."
what you say here I feel too. that everything there is has always existed and it seems new to us, as we know new, but it has always existed. It is like when a planet is discovered and when reading of it, they say a new planet, but this planet has always been there, somewhere, :) it is only new to us because we have not seen it before.